Abstract: Cloud computing is a new dimension where all the systems are connected with each other having public or private interface. Cloud computing all over the globe is being used for both private and public sharing purposes. Cloud computing is quite different from the traditional services like networking, distributed computing and utility figuring. Cloud computing basically consist of three models such as software services, hardware services or platform and infrastructure services. Generally there are three types of cloud computing based on the audience which are public, private, and hybrid. In every organization it is significant to define the cloud path, it is the role of cloud integrators to manage such things1. Cloud computing has made it cheap to store the data on the cloud, physical data storage devices are being vanished day by day. The only technological challenge is to shift the physical data on to cloud so that it is accessible anywhere anytime. Carrying physical data storage devices is of no use in this advanced era of technology. This has lowered the cost of storage devices, cloud computing is cheap and is accessible to everyone. On the other hand, there are also some challenges to cloud computing. Data protection and data privacy is one of the biggest challenge it is facing right now. But there are more advantages of cloud computing than its disadvantages. Moreover, use of cloud computing with Artificial intelligence is a way more effective and efficient approach to deal with the advancements of artificial intelligence in future. A vast development has yet need to be performed in the field of artificial intelligence, currently the world is just at the beginning of the modern world of artificial intelligence. There is much needed to be done in the field of artificial intelligence to achieve the goals. In the past, scientists and engineers has developed the hardware on extreme levels with the help of many technologies and algorithms. Now the need is to shift that hardware to artificial intelligence, the challenge is to integrate the hardware and the software in such a way to increase the output of the machine and to make it more intelligent than it was ever before. The goal is to make the machinery so much intelligent that it is capable of making its own decisions3.
Cloud computing and artificial intelligence are the two trending technologies that are currently being made advanced day by day. Scientists and computer engineers have started working on the artificial intelligence since 1950’s and for the first time the size of hardware started decreasing and the computational strength is increasing. It is only because of the implementation of the artificial intelligence. Now a days it is also being focused to shift artificial intelligence on the cloud computing. All the mobile operating companies have started working on it, they’re making such devices that are capable of taking their own decisions. It is predicted that in the near future the use of such devices will be preferred over human effort.
Small and Medium Enterprises of the large enterprises are mostly selected to deploy the claims to the public, private and Hybrid clouds. Cloud integrators may show a crucial part to determine the right cloud path of every type of organization. Public clouds are the ones that are functioned by the third parties. Information Technology department needs to sustain the capital and operative expenses for the physical resources. This type of private cloud service is best for the claims that may need complete configurability and control of the infrastructure and safety. The scientists have explained that the process of making the world completely dependent on the artificial intelligence is a long and time taking process. It would take almost more than a hundred years for enjoying the workless and stress-free life without any financial as well as social problems.
Past is the light for the scientists to learn and proceed and the present is the time for students and future scientists to understanding the flow of the processes and to find the ways through which the things could be easily implemented2. The future would be a plenty of time for the new generation to perform their research and development techniques defined, completed and provided by us. Cloud computing has numerous benefits as the enterprises need to align their applications to exploit the architecture models that are accessible by the cloud. The most common benefit of the cloud computing is its reduced cost while the most common challenge of the cloud computing is the data protection. Furthermore, in the future, there would be the great upgrade in the field of technology and artificial intelligence. The world’s most renowned teams associated with the artificial intelligence are working hard to find the solutions to a number of unknown mysteries. In the future, the scientists have claimed that they would be able to predict the climatic changes and would react to any disastrous situation on the people.
End Notes
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- Hashem, Ibrahim Abaker Targio, Ibrar Yaqoob, Nor Badrul Anuar, Salimah Mokhtar, Abdullah Gani, and Samee Ullah Khan. “The Rise of ‘Big Data’ on Cloud Computing: Review and Open Research Issues.” Information Systems 47 (2015): 98–115.
- Norman, D., 2017. Design, business models, and human-technology teamwork: As automation and artificial intelligence technologies develop, we need to think less about human-machine interfaces and more about human-machine teamwork. Research-Technology Management, 60(1), pp.26-30.
Source: anandrmehta.com