Mann said that Flawless is also studying how its technology can help studios avoid expensive filming by making actors appear to be speaking new lines. But he said that some actors feel a little uneasy when they see themselves using AI manipulation. He said: “There is a kind of fear and wow! These are the two reactions I keep getting.”
Virginia GardnerShe is the heroine in Mann’s latest movie, and she sees herself speaking Spanish with Flawless’s software. Although she thinks that AI-modified movies will contain a disclaimer, she doesn’t seem to be worried. She said: “I think this is the best way to maintain an actor’s ability to perform.” “If you believe in your director and believe that this process will only make the movie better, then I really won’t feel disadvantaged.”
The operation of AI video is controversial, and there are good reasons for this. With the development of AI, the free Deepfake program can seamlessly switch one person’s face to another person in a video scene, which has proliferated. The software can identify the key points of a human face and use machine learning to capture the way the human face moves.
This technology has been used to create fake celebrity porn and destroy revenge porn clips targeting women. Experts worry that pretending to show celebrities to celebrities in critical situations may spread wrong information and affect elections.
In the film industry, ready-made facial manipulation may cause controversy.Darryl Marks, founder Adapt to entertainmentA company in Tel Aviv is working on another AI dubbing tool, and he said that he is not sure how certain actors will react to seeing their performance change, especially if it is not clear that it is done by a computer. He said: “If there is a very famous actor, they might stop it.”
Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, General Counsel of the Screen Actors Guild, said: “This technology has legal and ethical uses. “But any use of such technology must be approved by the relevant performer. And get proper and appropriate compensation before proceeding. “
Hao LiVisual effects artists who specialize in facial manipulation using AI say that film directors and producers are showing increasing interest in deepfakes and related AI technologies. Making a deepfake usually requires several hours of algorithmic processing, but Li is making a movie in which the more advanced Deepfake software allows the director to watch the transformation of actors in real time.
Li said this situation feels similar to when photorealistic computer graphics were widely used in the 2000s. Now, thanks to AI, “suddenly everyone wants to do something,” he said.
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