15 Best Deals: Outdoor Gear, Robot Vacuums, and Tech


April? It’s already April? How did that happen? The last time I had a clear sense of the date it was still February. Time flies, the world warms, and the deals keep coming. This is a great time of year to stock up on outdoor gear and get your spring cleaning done. We found discounts on plenty of tech to help you out with both, plus some fun savings for those of you still whiling away the hours at home.

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Spring Cleaning Deals

Roborock S4 Max

Photograph: Roborock

It’s spring cleaning time. These deals on vacuums, air purifiers, and cleaning sets can help, but read our guides to the Best Robot Vacuums, Best Eco-Friendly Cleaning Suppliesand Best Air Purifiers for more.

Clip the coupon button on the page to see the discount at checkout. Sales for this model are common, but this is close to the lowest price we’ve seen this year (it was $280 on Black Friday). The Roborock S4 Max is one of the best robot vacuums out there, especially for pet owners. It’s smart—but not too smart, so you won’t be paying more for features that go unused.

This robot vacuum has been at this price for about a month, but this is still a startling drop from its MSRP. It’s a great option for folks with hardwood floors that need to be mopped and vacuumed regularly—that’s right, it doesn’t just vacuum. If you don’t just have hardwood, that’s OK, the Ecovac app allows you to customize your floor map to ensure it stays on the right track.

This deal kicked off in the middle of March, but it’s still a good one (and nearly the lowest we’ve ever seen). Along with frequent vacuuming, an air purifier can help improve your home’s indoor air quality. The Airmega has high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, and it can cycle the air in a 1,560-square -foot room twice an hour. It’s best used for large spaces.

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be wasteful—full of paper products and plastic bottles. We’ve got dozens of more eco-friendly options in our guidebut one of our favorites is this Supernatural starter cleaning set. You get reusable glass bottles and cleaning concentrates made from plants, minerals, and essential oils (for scent). You can get refills from the company when you run out, and you also get free shipping on orders over $40.

Outdoor Deals

Deuter Kid Comfort Active Carrier

Photograph: Backcountry

There are still many winter clearance sales going on right now on outdoor gear. We’ve rounded up many of our favorites herebut here are a few more of our favorite deals right now.

My son saw much of the early part of his life from this Deuter pack, which is one of the most comfortable packs I’ve worn, kid-pack or otherwise. It’s almost never on sale either, so grab it while you can.

We’re prefer the cheaper, more basic Coleman model (see our Best Camp Stoves guide), but at this price, the Triton+ is a good deal too. You get two burners in a relatively slim package that’s easy to toss into the back of your car.

I’ve never tested this model, but Mountainsmith packs are legendary for their comfort and endless organizational extras. This 20L size is perfect for day hikes or the commute to work.

Icebreaker’s Tech T-shirts are 100 percent merino wool and comfortable in all but the warmest weather. They’re also great for layering because they do a passable job of blocking the wind (compared to a cotton T-shirt). There are a variety of designs and colors to choose from.

Vibram’s Five Fingers aren’t for everyone. In fact, if you’re new to so-called barefoot shoes, don’t buy these; see our Best Barefoot Shoes guide for some other options (like your bare feet!). But if you’re a Vibram fan, these are a good deal.

Do you need a Zippo in the outdoors? Probably not, but these park-inspired Zippos are just too fun not to include. In addition to Half Dome, there are lighters with Katahdin, Rainierand more.

Tech and Gaming Deals

Amazon Echo Buds

Photograph: Amazon

Not into cleaning or the great outdoors? No problem, we’ve got plenty of deals on tech toys to keep you entertained.

We told you about this deal earlier in the weekbut this is the best price we’ve ever seen on Amazon’s Echo Buds. The second-gen wireless earbuds (8/10, WIRED Recommends) are some of our favorites. They sound great and integrate seamlessly with the Alexa app on iOS and Android. (They also work with Google Assistant and Siri.)

Dell’s G15 gaming laptop isn’t going to win any design awards, but it offers some solid specs at a reasonable price. This model has a Ryzen 5000 chip with RTX 3050 Ti graphics, 8 gigabytes of RAM, and a 512-gigabyte SSD.

Need to print documents at home? This non-color laser printer will do the job and won’t falter as quickly as ink-jet machines. This is a wireless model, so you can send printing orders from your phone or PC.

If you don’t need (or don’t want to spend a fortune on) a 4K monitor, consider this 1080p, 144-Hz option. We haven’t tested it, but the specs are solid and it gets good reviews around the web.

If you’re building out a surround sound system, this center speaker from Klipsch will go a long way toward bringing those movies to life. It’s not small, but if you’ve got the room, this is a good price.

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