Weekly Recap: Kroger delivery, sourdough, basketball, and an interview with Cynthia Yanof!


Welcome to my weekly recap post where I share a little peek into our week, share some links to things I don’t want you to miss, and highlight some things you may not have seen on the blog this week.

This week, after a lot of rain, the weather turned a corner and the sun came out. So we’ve been loving spending lots of time outside in the sunshine!!

It was also basketball playoffs week. Silas’ team made it to the semi-finals and I was so proud of how hard they played and fought!

I also made more sourdough, tried my hand at making water kefir, perfected sourdough waffles (recipe coming soon), and am gearing up to try my hand at making kombucha and sauerkraut! I’m having so much fun learning and trying all these new things!

I consider the mark of a good book one that makes you laugh and get teary-eyed in the space of a few pages. Cynthia Yanof’s book, Life is Messy, God is Good: Sanity for the Chaos of Everyday Life, did that very thing for me. Her ability to bring humor into life’s messiness is beautiful and one we can all learn from.

In this week’s episode of the podcast, we touch on some of Cynthia’s story and lessons she’s gleaned. We talk about her experiences as an older mom with kids in college, high school, and first grade and how foster care profoundly impacted their family. I love her insights into stepping into scary places and learning to lean on God and trust Him — even when it’s really hard.

One of the parts of her book I really appreciated was her wisdom on friendships. I ask her to dive into this on the podcast as I often hear from women who are really struggling to make and keep friendships. We talk about what it looks like to invest in relationships, even when it feels like we don’t have much time and how to really show up well for people in the midst of full schedules. 

If you are navigating the chaos of everyday life (and, let’s be honest, aren’t we all?), craving a good laugh, and looking for…


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