For many parents, the term “simple handicraft project” is a contradictory word. It is reminiscent of frustrated children who need help, complicated instructions, items that cannot be fixed, and looks and examples. The non-conforming finished product is shown in the picture. After spending $15 on supplies, your kitchen table is broken, your children are disappointed, they are ready to do other things, and mom and dad didn’t even have a chance to reply to a work email.
Well, forget the beaded dream catcher that causes nightmares and the taco tacos that look more like mashed potatoes. Penny Hoarder’s “no rules, only creation” art project is mainly made of things around the house, which will keep children aged 6 to 10 busy for at least an hour without any help from you.
Moreover, some of these creations become toys that can be played later or given to younger brothers and sisters.
- When a child makes a 6-foot-long mural of the underwater world with paint, crayons, milk can lids, rags and magazine photos, there are no possible mistakes.
- Cereal boxes and oatmeal tins covered with construction paper only need to meet the design specifications of young architects to build towns. The bottle cap is an excellent window. The takeaway beverage rack can be an aerial tramway.
- Plastic tigers and giraffes will eat any plants that budding zoologists place in their zoos. These plants are made of lids and popsicles.
The following are some tips and simple instructions that can provide your child with the materials and thinking styles that they need.
First, collect supplies
Recyclable items
It takes about a week to throw empty containers and boxes into a few paper grocery bags instead of recycling or garbage.
- Stick to it Examples include milk cartons and lids, shoe boxes, boxes for frozen food, plastic trays for actual food, take-out containers, take-out beverage containers, take-out condiments containers, straws, cereal boxes, juice boxes, and tall paper cups.
- Thinking outside the kitchen. Keep the plastic container razor, toothpaste box, toothpaste lid, empty cosmetic container and fabric softener sheets.
- The size does not matter. Even a small box with a battery or a takeaway salad dressing box can be turned into a chimney in a cardboard box or food trough in a zoo.
- Collect paper. Use magazines, spam, newspapers, and any other paper you normally recycle as sources of photos to paste onto your work.
- Stick to it. Walk into the closet. If your child has something or you don’t wear it anymore, but it’s not in good condition to donate or sell it, put it in another bag; if you have fabric scraps, also collect them.
Consumables to buy if you don’t have one
- Mark
- Elmer’s glue (better than glue stick.)
- Glue stick
- Multicolor construction paper
- Box of popsicle sticks
- Pipe cleaner
- Roll paper
- Plastic animals. This is not essential, but a scene with two identical animals will be more interesting.This is an put For $75, it’s only $12.99 at Walmart.
- At least two rolls of scotch tape
- Aluminum foil
- Modeling clay or doll
- If your child is old enough, it can be glued with a glue gun and glue stick, but this is not necessary.
Collect nature
Walk along your neighborhood, campus or city park and experience the following natural scenery.
- Rocks, pebbles and gravel of various sizes and colors, about one cup each
- Cover about one or two cups
- Weeds
- Stick
- sand
- Cannonball
- Leaves
10 cheap handicraft projects kids will dive into
No matter which item you choose below, the child will try it first and tell them to do what they want, but in fact it doesn’t necessarily look like anything. Suppose you don’t see it until you are done, because you want to be surprised. If there is no effect during this process, please tell them to try another method.
1. Underwater mural
Use magazines, spam, rags, stickers, crayons, paint, bottle caps and nature to create mixed media murals to create an underwater world. Color or color a 6-foot-long easel paper with shades of blue and green.
Cut out real photos of sea creatures from magazines, and/or find cool patterns in pictures of clothes, artwork or home decorations, and cut out a creature from them. If necessary, draw it on paper or cloth before cutting the paper or cloth. Draw or cut out real or imagined creatures. Stick it on the paper with glue or tape.
2. Cruise ship mural
Depending on the age of your child, an adult may want to draw a cruise ship on a six-foot easel paper. Draw a long oval, divide it into three or four decks by horizontal lines, and add several tall circular chimneys on top. Children can add portholes, larger windows, flags, swimming pools, lifebuoys, people, etc. by drawing holes or cutting out shapes or photos from magazines, construction paper, fabric or aluminum foil. They can make rows of railings by hitting popsicles on the top deck.
Paint or color the water around the boat, and add marine life by drawing or pasting accents.
3. Farm
For this farm, if you have a larger plastic horse, please use a grocery store or wine storage box; if you want to build a rescue field for those same zoo animals, please use a shoe box.
Create smaller stalls by sticking smaller boxes on the “floor” of larger boxes and put the boxes in the horses. Knock two sticks between the two vertical sticks of the popsicle stick to make a fence for each gear, and then add a third vertical stick in the middle. Tilt it or tape it to the box used to form the booth. Similarly, use smaller boxes and popsicle sticks to create jumping movements and rings to keep the animal next to the horse.
Inside the horse and ring, add the trough from the condiment container or other box covered with aluminum foil. Fill the slots with leaves and weeds. Bale the hay into a bundle, and use a string or pipe cleaner to bundle the hay.
4. Outer space murals
Use aluminum foil, magazines, spam, cloth scraps, stickers, crayons, paint, bottle caps and nature to make mixed media murals to create life on another planet. Children can draw or cut out their imaginary houses, cars, residents and nature on their planet.
5. Cruising
Remove the lid or cut one side of the box to open the box and accommodate passengers, such as dolls, plastic animals, people, etc. Cover the box with construction paper and add decorations such as stripes and the name of the ship.
Mark the flag on the stern by sticking fabric or colored paper on the straw or pipe cleaner.
6. Box Lid Zoo
Tape or strips of popsicles stick to the edge of the lid. Children can also cut out one side from the shallow box, such as the side where frozen food can be stored. Fill everyone with terrain such as rocks, mulch, grass or branches. Use take-out salad dressing container, condiment container and small box to make a food trough.
Fill them with leaves or other pretend food. Use pipe cleaner or real branches and branches to make trees. Glue them in a mud ball, and then glue it to the bottom of the lid. Add animals.
7. Doll house
Fix four large cartons with a glue gun, with two side-by-side bottoms at the bottom and two side-by-side tops at the top, with all open sides facing outwards.
Do you need a big box? Grocery stores and liquor stores will handle them routinely and will give them to you for free.
These boxes can be turned into a kitchen, living room, dining room and bedroom to accommodate Barbie dolls, small stuffed animals or those plastic zoo animals that live in harmony. Cover boxes of different sizes with construction paper to create refrigerators, stoves, microwave ovens, fireplaces, tables, chairs, beds, TV sofas, etc. Put the bottle cap and toothpaste cap on the dining table with glue.
Use rags, softener tablets or napkins to make blankets and curtains. Draw windows, doors, artwork, bookshelves, and TVs in the frames inside the boxes that serve as walls. Or, cut out all the above photos from the magazine and paste them on the wall. Cut out a beautiful picture or picture and draw your own frame around it to hang the artwork on the wall.
8. Tree House Mural
By turning the 6-foot-long easel paper vertically, children can put their dream tree house on top to build a tall tree. The tall suitcases can be painted or colored and contain nature, magazine photos or fabric textures. Add residents who may live on trees like birds and bugs.
Draw a simple tree house on the top with a flat floor and railings, or a detailed tree house with windows, stairs, roof a lookout, and all the bells and sounds. Again, use drawings, magazine pictures, fabrics, and anything else that sticks to it to emphasize it.
9. Your town, America
Make a city out of cardboard boxes and cartons, then decorate them with markers, magazine photos, and stickers to create doors and windows. Combine the two boxes into a building. They can be placed on a long piece of easel paper, which can be decorated as roads, parking spaces and parks. Add the model car to the town.
For tall boxes, put some heavy objects in them, such as staplers, stones, or paperweights, so they don’t tip over.
10. Tropical island murals
Draw a curve on the bottom of a 6-foot-long easel paper, and then color or paint it to make it look like sand. Glue real branches and leaves or photos from magazines to form palm trees and other dense vegetation.
Cut down the fabric or paper and glue the hammock between the trees. Draw or cut out photos of rocks and water to add waterfalls. Draw or crop images of huts, animals and tropical flowers.
Katherine Snow Smith (Katherine Snow Smith) is the senior author of “Bamboo Penny”.
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