Skip the buffet and try these cheap wedding food ideas


As more and more people get vaccinated, the weddings, retirement parties and other celebrations that were cancelled last year will all be held in 2021. However, when we put our toes back into large gatherings, people’s attitudes towards diving are also different. Some hosts and wedding guests are satisfied with the buffet style and food stand before the pandemic, while others are wary of the bacteria they can spread.

However, the buffet service is the holy grail of a more affordable wedding or party because it requires fewer staff. Therefore, wedding catering and party planners have come up with some novel food ideas as a choice for buffet services and food stations.

We discussed with the banquet staff about cheap wedding food ideas and other methods for banquet guests who would otherwise be able to afford them during the pandemic.

Cheap wedding food ideas for the catering industry

Margaret Ann Birchall, owner of Margaret Ann’s gourmet biscuit and restaurant in St. Petersburg, Florida, said: “Our catering is limited. We have just started.” Her business will continue to develop in 2020. Individuals and families have provided hundreds of take-out meals, and have recently catered to some events.

Most customers can enjoy the buffet, but she always provides a transparent plastic box as a casual breakfast or lunch, which has become the staple food of various activities. They cost her about 50 cents each and can be filled with food menus served at room temperature a few hours ago.

“You can take off your shirt and sit on your lap is very strong. The utensils are also in there,” Burtchaell said, adding that she does not include food that needs to be severely cut with a knife and fork.

“One particular thing some people are doing is individual boxed cupcakes, so there is no cake to eat. The bride and groom have their own smaller cakes,” said Gil Saint-Loup, owner of Catering Works in Raleigh, North Carolina. West Asia (Jill Santa Lucia) said: “Boxing is a big event. … We used to “dip, pour, and sprinkle”. Now it is “packing, sealing, packaging.”

She started a popcorn company to make up for lost income during the pandemic and did a lot of personal meals, but now something is happening on the calendar.

She said: “We found that some people don’t make buffets, and those people don’t care.”

When a catering service company sets up a buffet service, the staff behind the shield will also provide food under the shield instead of buffeting by the wedding guests. For those who do not like buffets, she has another option.

“We have beautiful wooden boxes from Canada,” Lucia said. “They have a transparent lid that you can pull out. You can indeed make a beautiful presentation.”

These boxes cost her about $7, which is included in the customer’s expenses. Guests keep these boxes as gifts to take home, and can be used to provide food in their kitchen, shadow boxes or for various purposes.

Another top choice for people on wedding budgets: personal canned wine, margaritas, mimosa and other spirits.

Lucia said: “You can relax them, and people can seize their lives.” “Compared with sharing a bottle of wine, there is much less contact.” In addition, compared to buying a server from a large bottle, the cost is lower. Much.

Anderson prepares lunch boxes for a small party. These lunches are a cheap option for the buffet. Chris Zuppa (Penny Hoarder)

Ideas for wedding reception food, served in a separate box

Burtchaell shared several menus and main dishes, which can be placed in a box on the lap of the guest. The price is based on a minimum of 25 people.

  • Chicken salad. Tarragon Walnut Chicken Salad with grape tomatoes, grapes and berries, bread and biscuits, is Burtchaell’s most popular menu. She estimated that the meal would cost 12 dollars per box.
  • Quiche. You can make a very beautiful quiche, which is both at room temperature and hot. “She said. With fresh fruit, Caprese salad and biscuits, the price of the menu is $17.
  • Beef tenderloin with pasta. Add a bunch of grape tomatoes, black olives and fresh buffalo mozzarella, bread and biscuits. Price: $17 per box.
  • Fancy cheese and biscuits. During a cocktail hour, she can fill a box with salty cheese, vanilla-crusted goat cheese, and blue cheese with rosemary, cheddar, fruit and crackers for a box of $12.

Burtchaell said she is uncomfortable to serve any kind of seafood at room temperature, so she does not recommend crab cakes or shrimp cocktails.

She said: “The pasta takes up a lot of space and looks good visually.”

Limit expenses and hands-on contact with baskets and bags

Individual food can also be placed in a beautiful basket to achieve the purpose of a holiday picnic, or in a colorful gift bag. These items are perfect for anyone with a limited budget.

Amazon offers eight One quart berry basket Made from unprocessed natural wood, each is $15 or $1.87. There are a variety of bags in various colors Matte And glossy finish, Ribbon Or the rope handle and the reinforced bottom, the price per box of 100 bags or 76 cents per piece is about US$76.

As the owner of an independent bookstore, Kimberly Daniels Taws has organized many speakers and bookmarks over the years. During the pandemic, most people were virtual, but she tried an outdoor activity, carrying a bag.

Taws of Country Bookshop in Southern Pines, North Carolina, said: “You can use some tissue paper and colorful napkins that are folded and protruding from the top to make the gift bag real Very cute, “Wine. “She said. The bag also includes salty snacks, oranges, individually packaged cheese, biscuits, hand sanitizer and books.

Since the party was held before dinner, she offered some snacks. Gift bags can also hold more packing fees, such as individually packaged gourmet sandwiches, a box of green salads, fruit cups and desserts, and sturdy transparent plastic plates and utensils.

More affordable wedding and party food tips

  • Smaller printing plates can save money. Whether it’s plastic, glass or porcelain, using smaller plates can reduce food intake and make food look fuller.
  • Time of day. Avoid holding events from noon to 2 pm or after 5 pm, guests will not expect a full meal.
  • Early is cheaper. The morning wedding can be paired with baked goods, fruits and cheese to make them romantic.You can buy Bloody Mary A can of product that does not exceed $3.
  • Skip a meal. At the noon reception in the afternoon, wedding cakes and champagne are classics. Remember the phrases “less is more” and “simple and elegant”.
  • Choose pasta. Pasta is one of the cheapest main dishes you can enjoy. It can be colorful and visually appealing. You can mix protein, but it’s much less than serving whole chicken or beef, so you can save money.

The most chic and cheap wedding reception or party

To really save money on wedding receptions or other celebrations, skip the catering service altogether and ask guests to bring their own picnic. This is the premise of one of the most elegant parties in the world, born in Paris in 1988.

The original host was the retired French entrepreneur Francois Pasquier. The original host was called the “White Dinner” and invited friends to wear white dresses, participate in a picnic, and be in Paris Meet him in Bois de Boulogne park.

This concept has spread all over the world and is now carried out in more than 80 cities in 35 countries/regions every spring or summer.Click on Here You can see photos of all parties from big cities to small towns. Guests can use woven baskets and canvas bags or pull their carry-on suitcases to sell food.

One of the reasons why these parties have spread from big cities to small towns around the world may be that they are fun, weird, and there is an unwritten code of etiquette that requires everyone to behave appropriately and clean themselves.

Pasquier explained the Paris Evening in an article in Forbes magazine in 2018.

He said: “The only thing we ask everywhere is to maintain good behaviors for ourselves, for others, and for the places we use.” “We are accused of being vile people, but the truth is the opposite: we just observe good manners, and It doesn’t cost any money.”

Politeness does not have to be placed in a separate box.


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