Cash from national contests can help you pay off debt, finance that dream vacation around the world or send you on a shopping spree in style. But you can’t win the money unless you enter the contests. The odds may be tough but it’s easy to enter online. And, someone has to win, right? Why not good people like you?
The contests listed here represent about $160,000 in cash prizes and that excludes the Publishers Clearing House SuperPrize. The uber lucky person who scores in that contest brings in $7,000 a week for life — not a bad haul for the few minutes it takes to enter.
The Time to Enter Cash Money Contests is Now
Don’t delay in entering contests to win cash. Some of the 2022 deadlines are in October.
1. Dream Bedroom $10,000 Sweepstakes
Do you dream of a bedroom like the ones you see in magazines? A relaxing haven where you can rest without worrying about clutter or mismatched decor? Then the Dream Bedroom $10,000 Sweepstakes from Meredith Corporation is your dream giveaway. And while the sweepstakes is marketed as a way to update your bedroom, the prize itself is a check that you can use however you want.
To enter, go to any of Meredith Corporation’s magazine websites (which include Southern Living, Health, Real Simple and People) and enter your email address. See the full list of URLs where you can enter here. Once you enter, your email will be automatically registered on each of Meredith Corporation’s seven magazine websites.
You can also mail your entry. Write your name, address, phone number and email on a postcard and send it to 1716 Locust Street, LN 428 Des Moines, Iowa, 50309.
You can enter the sweepstakes as many times as you would like, but you can only use each email address once. So if you have a few going for different purposes you should be able to increase your odds.
The sweepstakes close on Dec. 31, 2022. If you mail your entry, it must be postmarked by Dec. 31 and received no later than Jan. 6, 2023. The…
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