If you’re one of the many Americans living paycheck to paycheck or working a side gig to make ends meet, you know just how stressful it can be. You also understand how big of a difference it could make to earn some extra income.
That’s why we like an app called Steady. It helps people find ways to boost their income — by an average of $5,500 a year.
Not only that, but it will also give you insights into your finances to help you make long-term improvements. Here’s how it works:
How to Add an Extra $5,500 a Year to Your Income
Maybe you need some more money to make sure you can pay your bills each month. Or maybe you’re saving up for an emergency fund — or even a trip you’ve been planning. Whatever your reason, Steady helps you find ways to earn extra cash — plus, it shows you how to maximize the money you earn for any work you take on.
After you download the app and set up your work profileSteady will point you toward gigs, cash rewards, emergency cash grants and other income opportunities. You’ll get realistic expectations of how much you can really earn — and how often.
Plus, Steady helps you get a clearer picture of your income, where you’re leaking money and how you could be earning more efficiently.
This app also helps you earn more money through income boosters, or cash incentives that can help you out in a pinch.
More Money in the Bank
Steady doesn’t just tell users to work harder in order to prosper. They get it. Sometimes you just need to earn some extra cash to keep your finances afloat.
Steady’s income boosters can help you earn extra cash more quickly, so you can take care of urgent expenses, like bills, groceries and gas. This helps you avoid turning to a predatory payday loan and helps better set you up for success in the future. Income boosters come in various formats. Some pay extra cash for working with select partners — finish these tasks early or on time, and your effective pay rate can stay…
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