A generation Shared this in Instagram stories Last week, people liked it. This is a real grocery list—just like I usually use. It is not beautiful, inspiring, color coded or fancy, but it does the job and works for me.
Sometimes, I think we try to make things too complicated, or feel that we need to do menu planning or grocery shopping or compile a grocery list like everyone else. If you like to write beautiful lists or beautiful spreadsheets or cool printable shopping lists, go for it! But be aware that it’s okay to keep it super simple and possibly a little sloppy-if it works for you!
Last week I was so happy to find the marked avocado and chicken! I like to put half an avocado on the salad every day. And, if you don’t know: if you put avocados in the refrigerator, it almost completely stops their ripening, so they can be kept longer!
If you buy 4 donated items each to donate to the local shelter, our county fair will have free accommodation. I checked their urgent needs list and I was so excited that I had the big sale items that I used with coupons on hand! So 5 of us participated in the exhibition for free!
Last week we used shredded oatmeal instead of milk to make French toast and all-purpose bread. It turned out delicious!
I like my chopped salad that was cut in price. This is a new version and it is delicious! I ate it for lunch one day last week.
When I went shopping, our usual Kroger Snack Saks were completely sold out… Silas was very disappointed with this, because he was happy that they were on sale.
However, we went to another Kroger store in a different part of town and they still had a lot of inventory. In addition, they also have Purex laundry soap,
Laundry soap is on sale, buy one get one free-only $2.14 each.
This girl is very expressive and keeps bringing us such smiles and laughter to our home!
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