What is it, how is it obtained and how is it treated?


Costochondritis affects up to 10% of the population. For people with chondritis, the symptoms can become disabling or even frightening. Many times, the symptoms of costochondritis can mimic more serious conditions, such as a heart attack.

rest assured, Costochondritis It is a musculoskeletal disease that does not harm the health of the heart. However, costochondritis can become unbearable, especially in chronic conditions. According to American family physicians, chondritis can last up to a year-or in a few cases longer.

What is costochondritis, how to get it, and how to deal with costochondritis in daily life? This is all the knowledge you need to overcome to help you overcome costochondritis.

What is chondritis?

The term “costochondritis” refers to inflammation of the costal cartilage. The name of this disease comes from the junction of the ribs, the name of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the spine.

This inflammation of the costal cartilage can cause pain in the chest wall or sternum and can mimic the symptoms of a heart attack or lung disease.

Costochondritis is clinically diagnosed (that is, through a doctor’s clinical examination) and can be diagnosed without any tests. However, your doctor may order heart and lung tests to rule out other more serious diseases, especially if you are over 40.

Other symptoms of chondritis include:

●Sharp, painful or pressure-like pain

●Left chest pain

●Deep breathing will aggravate the pain

●Coughing will exacerbate pain

Sometimes, visible swelling coexists with symptoms of costochondritis. This rare disease is called Tietze syndrome, and it most often affects people under the age of 40.

Although the pain associated with chondritis can be severe, it usually goes away on its own. However, sometimes, chondritis may become chronic or relapse and resolve.

The good news is that although chondritis may affect your quality of life, it will not cause serious complications or reduce your lifespan in any way.

What causes chondritis?

The doctor put forward many reasons to explain the origin of costochondritis. In some cases, for example, if you have suffered a chest injury recently, the cause of costochondritis may be clear, or it may be less obvious. Your doctor will work with you to investigate the underlying cause of chondritis, especially if you are not physically overworked or injured.

Mechanical strain

Most commonly, chondritis is caused by mechanical strain. “Mechanical strain” refers to the medical term for physical injury, such as a muscle being pulled or a blow to the chest. In some cases, you may remember a specific event that occurred before the diagnosis of costochondritis. At other times, it may not be triggered by a specific event, which may be due to repetitive sports injuries. One example is the practice of chest-binding in transgender patients between women and men. If done improperly, it will cause chondritis over time.

Vitamin D deficiency

Patients with low vitamin D rarely develop chondritis. This research is the least, and it is not clear whether this is causal or causal. More scientific evidence is needed to support this claim. However, because the content of vitamin D is easy to detect and treat, and the price is cheap, some professionals believe that when a patient suffers from chondritis, it is still worth studying the vitamin D content of the patient.


Infection is considered to be a rare cause of chondritis. A few cases reported in the literature indicate that many types of infections can cause chondritis. Some examples include E. coli costochondritis caused by urinary tract infections and Candida albicans costochondritis caused by sharing medication needles or surgery.However, recently, long-distance travel Coronavirus disease Patients-those who have recovered from the disease but never fully rebounded-are reporting cases of chondritis. Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said that myalgias such as chondritis are common in COVID-19 “long-distance transportation”.

How do you treat costochondritis?

Unfortunately, there is no quick and easy solution for chondritis. In many cases, costochondritis will go away on its own with rest. At other times, it may be long-term and requires long-term management. Most cases of costochondritis last less than a year. In any case, you can try to take some measures to reduce the negative impact of costochondritis on your life.


According to American family physicians, the first-line treatment for mitochondrial inflammation is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-NSAIDs for short. These are over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen sodium, which can reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Sometimes, your doctor may also recommend cough suppressants to be used with NSAIDs, because coughing can aggravate the pain of costochondritis.

When NSAIDs and cough medicines do not work, your doctor may suggest several alternatives. They may suggest that you try physical therapy, or they may offer injectable medications such as lidocaine or steroids. Lidocaine It is an analgesic or analgesic, and steroids can reduce inflammation. Both can help treat the tricky costochondritis.

Ice hot

Just as you might use a hot or cold compress on a sprained ankle, you can also use hot and cold compresses to relieve the pain of costochondritis. Heat and ice are powerful options for treating chondritis because they can be used regularly with few side effects (if any). You can put a hot pack or cold pack on your chest once every two hours for up to 20-30 minutes.

So, how can heat and ice relieve the pain of costochondritis? Heat can be used as an analgesic to relieve pain, while ice can reduce inflammation and swelling associated with the condition. It’s a good idea to alternate between ice and heat so you can benefit from it. Some hot and cold packs can be frozen and microwaved.

Physical therapy

Unless the patient’s case does not respond to conventional treatment, physical therapy is usually not given to patients with costochondritis. Having said that, preliminary studies have shown that PT can help treat costochondritis. So, what are your expectations for physical treatment of chondritis?

Physiotherapists can help patients with rib chondritis in many ways. The main way PT assists in the recovery of rib cartilitis is through patient education: to teach patients more about their condition and treatment methods.

Another way that PT can correct costochondritis is through manual therapy. In manual therapy, the physical therapist places his hands on the patient and physically manipulates his muscles, fascia and other tissues. This can help reduce the pain and inflammation associated with costochondritis.

Finally, your physical therapist may assign you a home exercise program for costochondritis. Exercise can help reduce the pain and swelling associated with chondritis. However, certain forms of exercise may make your pain worse.

Your physical therapist will tell you which exercises are safe and which exercises should be avoided. For example, they may recommend stretching or yoga, but discourage you from lifting weights. Once you feel better, these restrictions are usually lifted. However, please keep in mind that chest injuries may cause costochondritis to recur.

Stretching exercises

Moderate stretch It may be the most effective form of exercise to relieve the pain of costochondritis.

A relatively large study (according to the criteria for rib inflammation) found that in patients who completed the stretching exercise, the symptoms of rib inflammation were statistically significant and gradually improved. The researchers concluded that mild stretching may be more effective than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other pain relievers in terms of diastolic costochondritis pain.

Any stretching plan for costochondritis should be gradual. In other words, your activity will increase as your tolerance increases. As the pain of costochondritis disappears, you will be able to tolerate a wider range of exercises.

You should always avoid any activities that will exacerbate the pain of your costochondritis. Stretching shouldn’t hurt, but if it does, make sure to stop the exercise and restart the stretching only when you no longer feel the pain.

Read on to discover some simple stretching exercises that you can perform at home to relieve pain caused by ribochondritis:

Lateral stretch

First lie on a yoga mat with supporting pillows under your head. Extend your arms to the T-shape position. Bend your knee, and then gently put it to one side. To deepen the stretch, you can turn your head to the side other than your knees. Keep stretching for 10-15 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

Wall stretch

Stand by the wall, one shoulder by the wall. You should start about a foot away from the wall. Reach behind you with a straight arm and lean your palm against the wall. Walk slowly and slowly towards the wall, narrowing the gap between the shoulder and the wall. When you feel a deep stretch, stop and then feel the pain again. Breathe to this position for 10-15 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

Fold forward

Perform yoga-inspired stretching exercises:

  1. Start with the “hill pose” (ie, feet together, arms together, standing forward).
  2. Hold your hands tightly behind your back.
  3. Gently pull your clenched hands away from your back so that your shoulders are rounded back and your chest arches forward. If you are enough, you can hold this stretch strap; or, when you gently fold your toes forward, exhale deeply.
  4. Stay in any position of your choice for 30 seconds.

Disclaimer: The content is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any questions about the medical condition, be sure to seek the advice of a doctor or other qualified medical service provider.


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