Menstrual cramps are the most common problem faced by women. These cramps can even cause bloating, headaches or vomiting. If you want to understand why women encounter this problem and how to deal with these cramps, you need to read this article. We will also discuss how to stay active and comfortable even during menstruation.
Why do menstrual cramps occur?
Many women experience discomfort in the lower back, abdomen and thighs during menstruation.
During menstruation, the muscles in the uterus relax and contract to clean the accumulated lining. In most cases, women experience menstrual cramps while working on their muscles. This can also cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and headaches.
Researchers are not entirely sure why some women experience cramps while others remain active and healthy. However, some factors can cause excessive pain, including:
• Give birth to the first child
• Experiencing high blood flow
• Younger or younger than 20 years old
• Sensitive to or producing prostaglandins
Could severe menstrual cramps be a sign of other diseases?
In some cases, menstrual cramps can be a sign of medical problems, including:
This disease occurs when tissues similar to those in the uterus begin to grow outside the uterus, usually attaching to your ovaries, intestines, and bladder.
Uterine fibroids
Fibroids grow on the wall of the uterus and are non-cancerous. They can grow into different sizes, from large lumps to spots.
This happens when the tissues that normally line the uterus begin to develop in the walls of the organs.
If you feel severe pain, it is best to consult Doctors Identify any health conditions. However, we have mentioned here some tips that can help you reduce or relieve menstrual cramps.
Alternative medications for cramps
There is no important evidence to prove the effectiveness of alternative therapies. But here are some alternative therapies that can help you relieve pain.
This treatment involves inserting fine needles into the skin of a specific part of the body. Many women use this method to relieve menstrual cramps.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation or TENS is a device that professionals connect to your skin. It includes an adhesive patch containing electrodes to help send electrical signals to your nerves. This process can help you by stimulating the development of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.
Herbal medicine
Some herbs or herbs can help you relieve pain, such as Pycnogenol, which can reduce the intensity of pain.
This method stimulates specific parts of the body and exerts slight pressure on the muscles. Although there is no proper evidence that acupressure has an effect on cramps, it seems that acupressure can help you relieve menstrual cramps.
Family remedies
Many home remedies can help you better control your spasms. The best part is that these methods have no adverse effects.
Practicing yoga
Whether it is the relaxing effect of the posture or the stretching of the body and muscles, regular yoga practice can alleviate the pain. In a study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 20 students were asked to practice yoga for one hour a week until three months. Studies have shown that compared with 30 women who do not practice yoga, menstrual pain and cramps are less.
You can do yoga during your menstrual period or before your cycle. However, some professionals recommend avoiding handstand postures during menstruation, such as shoulder stand, to prevent interference with your natural flow.
Heating the lower back and abdomen to relieve pain is one of the oldest methods. One study involved 147 women between the ages of 18 and 30. This study showed that women who used the heat patch at 40 degrees Celsius received similar benefits as the use of ibuprofen.
If you do not have a heating pad or hot water bottle, you can use a hot towel or take a hot bath. Not to mention, you can follow the steps above to make your own DIY heating pad.
- Sew two clothes, leaving a hole in them.
- Fill it with raw rice. Then stitch the opening.
- Put it in the microwave and set any temperature-don’t let it overheat.
- If necessary, let it cool down. If the homemade mat is too hot to put on your body, you can also wrap it in a towel.
- By heating in a microwave oven, the pad can be reused at any time.
Drink herbal tea
Some herbal teas can help improve or reduce menstrual cramps. Although there is little research on herbal teas that relieve spasm, tea has been used in many cultures to relieve menstrual pain for centuries.
People also use peppermint and chamomile tea to treat pain and cramps. This is because they have a calming effect on the body. In addition, tea made with ginger, cramped bark or fennel is also suitable for cramps.
Essential oil massage
If you massage your body with some aromatic oils, you can relieve the pain, according to Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology ResearchThe researchers asked 48 women to massage their lower abdomen with synthetic fragrances or essential oils during menstruation.
Both of these elements can relieve pain, but women who use essential oils have better results. This study also shows that essential oils can also shorten the duration of pain to nearly half a day. You can use oils such as clary sage, lavender, And marjoram essential oil.
Make sure to use these oils carefully and read the guidelines written on the product before use. In addition, buy high-quality oil to prevent any adverse effects. Before applying essential oils to the skin, you also need to dilute the essential oils in lotions, odorless creams, or carrier oils.
Lifestyle changes
If you add some healthy foods to your diet and reduce the consumption of some foods, you can reduce cramps and pain. This is what you need to learn.
Eat anti-inflammatory foods
Anti-inflammatory foods can give you natural pain relief. What’s more, these foods are delicious and can help you relax your uterus and improve blood flow. You can eat pineapple, tomatoes, berries and spices such as garlic, turmeric or ginger.
In addition, walnuts, almonds, green leafy vegetables and fatty fish (such as salmon) can also help you stay calm and relaxed during your menstrual period.
Avoid certain foods
It is important to note that not every food is suitable for consumption during menstruation. Some foods can cause water retention and bloating, including:
• alcohol
• Fatty foods other than fish
• Savoury food
• Caffeine
• Carbonated drinks
Keeping yourself away from these foods can help you reduce tension and cramps. You can choose other alternatives, such as lemon hot water, fruits such as raspberries and strawberries, and mint or ginger tea.
Add exercises to your daily activities
Exercise is the best activity that can help you reduce the effects of many health conditions. It keeps you healthy, healthy and active. When you do less vigorous exercise during cramps, they will help you release endorphins, thereby reducing pain, making you happy, and relaxing your muscles.
It takes only 15 minutes of simple exercises to cope with severe pain and cramps.
Manage your stress
Stress can damage your overall health. In addition, it will make your cramps worse. In this case, you need to choose stress-relieving strategies, such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, exercise, and any stress-relieving techniques.
If you are still confused about how to reduce stress, you can use guide images. In this activity, you need to close your eyes and start breathing deeply. After that, start to imagine a safe and peaceful place that you like. Try to focus on your imagination for at least a few minutes. Also, take slow and deep breaths during this process.
Bottom line
Menstrual cramps It can be very uncomfortable and painful. But with the help of the above techniques, you can reduce the pain to a certain extent. It is important to note that if you feel cramps that affect your daily activities, you need to take it seriously. Therefore, it is best to consult a health professional who can determine the health condition (if any). They can also help you use the best way to relieve pain.
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