Match 28 DB vs KCC live cricket score (by ball commentary, scorecard and result)


Keep in touch with us and get the live score of the 2021 ECS Germany, Krefeld, the 28th game against DB DB vs KCC live cricket, and update it in real time every minute.

Dusseldorf Black Hat

Cologne CC

The game has not yet started

ECS Germany, Krefeld, 2021

Bayer Uerdingen Cricket Ground, Krefeld

Start date: May 24, 2021

Throwing and hitting XI: the game will start from Monday, May 24, 2021 6:30 pm (IST).

Two teams

Dusseldorf Black Hat team:

Cologne CC Team:

Prateek Dabholkar, Priyank Mehta, Rameez Deshmukh, Sayan Mukhopadhaya, Tejas Morbag ​​al, Umang Shah, Abhilash Miryala, Amit Saini, Lokesh Kamti, Satya Srinivas, Appu Murali, Asmdin Zadran, Dhruv Irthoel, Grinesh Sanghavi (Ahmed), Sajeesh Kumar, Santosh Kumar, Ameya Deshpande, Ashish Makkar, Dhruv Patel, Emerson Rajaratnam

ECS Germany, Krefeld, 2021 DB vs. KCC live scores, scorecards and results for the 28th game

Follow Dusseldorf Blackcaps (Dusseldorf Blackcaps) vs. Cologne (Koln CC) live cricket score live, and learn about our actual situation.

Düsseldorf Black Hat vs Cologne CC match details

Catch up with ECS Germany, Krefeld, DB vs. KCC live cricket match in 2021, ball-by-ball commentary, quick update of the scorecard, latest news results, etc.

time: The 28th game of DB vs KCC will start at 6:30 pm (IST) on May 24, 2021 (Monday).

location: ECS Germany, Krefeld, the 28th DB vs KCC match in 2021 will be played at the Bayer Udingen Cricket Ground in Krefeld.

Hello everyone, welcome to visit the 2021 ECS Germany Krefeld live blog to learn about the DB vs KCC live cricket score live, and keep in touch with Cricadium in comments.

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