Game commentary 13MSF vs VG live cricket scoreball comments, scorecards and results


Keep in touch with us and get the ball-by-ball commentary score for the 2021 ECS Germany, Krefeld, 13MSF vs VG live cricket, and update it minute by minute.

MSC Frankfurt

VfB Gelsenkirchen

The game has not yet started

ECS Germany, Krefeld, 2021

Bayer Uerdingen Cricket Ground, Krefeld

Start date: May 20, 2021

Throwing and hitting XI: the game will start from Thursday, May 20, 2021 12:30 pm (IST).

Two teams

MSC Frankfurt team:

VfB Gelsenkirchen Team:

Suliman Hugakhil, Arfan Malik, Rubesh Palaniappan, Shahaldullah Arman, Af Afzal Pathan (Afzal Pathan), Mahwali Jabarkheel (Mahwali Jabarkheel), Swapnil Varhade (Swapnil Varhade), Anil Kavi (Anil Kavi), Hamed ·Ghana Zaneyi, Mubashir Hussein, Neiraj Venash Nihan Katunas, Nihar Katunas, Mezeyn Kamal, Phanish Rachuru, Sivasai Yeesakonu

ECS Germany, Krefeld, 2021 MSF vs VG live score, scorecard and results

Follow the live cricket score of MSC Frankfurt vs VfB Gelsenkirchen to learn about what happened to us.

MSC Frankfurt vs VfB Gelsenkirchen match details

Catch up with ECS Germany, Krefeld, 2021 MSF vs. VG live cricket match, ball-by-ball commentary, quick update of the scorecard, latest news results, etc.

time: The 13th game of MSF vs VG will start at 12:30 PM (IST) on May 20, 2021 (Thursday).

location: ECS Germany, Krefeld, the 2021 13MSF vs VG match will be played at the Bayer Uhldingen Cricket Ground in Krefeld.

Hello everyone, and welcome to visit the 2021 ECS live blog in Krefeld, Germany, to learn about MSF’s live cricket score live on VG, and to keep the comments connected with Cricadium.

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