Game 12 ARS vs BUB live cricket scoreball comments, scorecards and results


Keep in touch with us and get the ball-by-ball commentary score for the 12th ARS vs BUB live cricket match in 2021 ECS Germany, Krefeld, and update it in real time every minute.

Aachen’s rising star

Bayer Uerdingen booster

The game has not yet started

ECS Germany, Krefeld, 2021

Bayer Uerdingen Cricket Ground, Krefeld

Start date: May 19, 2021

Aachen rising star vs Bayern Uhldingen booster Live cricket score

Throwing and hitting XI: the game will start from Wednesday, May 19, 2021 6:30 pm (IST).

Two teams

Aachen’s rising star team:

Bayer Uerdingen booster team:

Jayakumar Vidhuran, Kanus Indran, Mani Janarthanam, Sakeshkanth Indran, Shiyamsundar Narayanan, Stebin Stephen, Ahalavan Pius, Ali Abbas Akbar, Ankur Tyagi, Balachandran Atchuthan, Ismin Hameed, Kumar Mahendapil, Sri Kanth Vaka, Kumar Mahendran, Sri Kanth Vaka, Ankur Mahenda, Ankur Prash Jandagudem, Aritharan Vaseekaran, Ashok Hardik, Gobinath Navarathinam, Gobinath Sribalashanmugan

ECS Germany, Krefeld, 2021 ARS vs BUB live score, score cards and results

Follow the Aachen Rising Stars vs. Bayer Uerdingen Boosters live cricket score and learn about our live.

Aachen rising star vs Bayern Uhldingen booster match details

Catch up with ECS Germany, Krefeld, 2021 ARS on the BUB real-time cricket game ball-by-ball commentary, fast update of the scorecard, latest news results and more.

time: The 12th game of ARS vs BUB will start on May 19, 2021 (Wednesday) at 6:30 pm (IST).

location: ECS Germany, Krefeld, the 12th ARS vs BUB match in 2021 will be played at the Bayer Uhldingen Cricket Ground in Krefeld.

Hello everyone, welcome to visit the 2021 ECS Germany Krefeld live blog to learn about ARS’s dynamic comments on BUB real-time cricket scores, and keep in touch with Cricadium.

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