When the Americans planned to travel in the summer, McAfee proposed how to navigate in the new security landscape.


McAfee research shows that despite the increase in technology adoption, consumers are not putting digital health first

News summary:

  • One-third of Americans report that they will travel for leisure this summer

  • 68% of Americans confirm that they are more connected to the digital world Since COVID-19 came into effect, only about half of companies have implemented a higher level of security

  • During the trip, 44% admitted to connecting to public Wi-Fi, although 62% believed that Wi-Fi networks are the most vulnerable to cyber threats

McAfee (NASDAQ:MCFE) The survey results were released today, explaining how Americans hope to travel with COVID-conscious modification this summer, so as to achieve personal protection in an increasingly digital world.According to McAfee Consumer Safety Mindset in 2021: Travel Edition, 68% of Americans plan to travel for leisure this summer, and 12% of them plan to travel abroad. Although 68% of American consumers stated that they have connected to more devices and digital activities since the launch of COVID; about half of enterprises have implemented a higher level of security protection. This number is lower than the global average of 61%.

The most surprising thing is that more than half (55%) of the respondents stated that their travel preferences have changed after COVID-19, with hotels and motels listed as the most popular places to stay (43%) ), followed by living with family or friends (37%). Although travelers may have changed their accommodation preferences due to the pandemic, they have not properly translated the same increased caution into their digital security.

Judith Bitterli, senior vice president of McAfee Consumer Marketing, said: “As travel becomes a reality for people again, this is an opportunity to remember the importance of maintaining digital health and safety outside the home.” Whether you are at home or away, you will have money to do things, have the opportunity to shop online, and have time to show some programs at the airport or on the road. This simple change in concept will greatly help protect our personal information. ”

Differences in consumer mood and behavior

There are differences between consumers’ emotions and behaviors and best practices for safety while away from home. It’s worth noting that 73% of American consumers said that they would connect to the device when accessing the device in a house other than their own, which may make them more vulnerable to risks this summer because of their greater connectivity. High, the degree of protection is also lower.

Consumers say they are aware of the cyber risks associated with travel, but they do not always take the necessary steps to protect themselves. Some key findings include:

  • About half (55%) of consumers check whether the network is secure before connecting, and 45% of consumers report that they do not take the same online security measures during vacation and at home.

  • During the trip, nearly half (44%) admitted to being able to connect to public Wi-Fi, although 62% believed that Wi-Fi networks are the most vulnerable devices to network threats.

  • Nearly half (49%) said that holiday home rentals were one of their top 2 favorite accommodations, although 66% indicated that they considered the risks associated with it.

  • Americans admit that they can connect to devices (personal and public devices) and foreign networks during the holidays-the most mentioned devices include laptops and computers (37%), smart TVs (39%), and streaming media devices (35%). Kind of personal equipment. ).

Maintain digital health while on vacation

As connectivity and device adoption continue to increase in 2021, consumers must understand the cyber risks brought about by the increase in digital touchpoints and how to best protect their personal information. They need to take proactive actions at all connection points on the journey to actively maintain their digital health.

McAfee lists the paths consumers can use to protect themselves and others:

  • Please connect carefully. Please be careful when connecting to public Wi-Fi while on vacation, and make sure that the Wi-Fi is secure and connected to a trusted source. Make sure you do not conduct any financial transactions or share any personal details on public Wi-Fi.
  • Consider an overall security solution. Learn which tools you can use to reassure you that your identity and personal information on all our devices are protected during this summer travel season.
  • Update your software. Before traveling, please check if there are any software updates on your device. Updates usually fix security vulnerabilities and close vulnerabilities in the system.
  • Keep the device protected and shut down. Distracted vacationers are an ideal target for thieves who wish to steal a device (whether it is a mobile phone, laptop, tablet or game). Make sure that the account has multi-factor authentication to double check the authenticity of the digital user if the device is not used properly.

McAfee’s Consumer Safety Mindset for 2021: Travel Edition Method:

McAfee commissioned MSI International to conduct a survey of more than 1,000 adults aged 18 to 75 in each country in April 2021.

This press release only contains data from US surveys. Other surveys were conducted in Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Singapore, Indonesia and India. You can request data from these regions through the media contact information below.

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About McAfee

McAfee (NASDAQ:MCFE) Is a leader in consumer personal safety. McAfee Consumer Solutions is not only dedicated to protecting people, but not only protecting devices, but also adapting to the needs of users in an always-on world, enabling them to live safely through integrated intuitive solutions, so that they can live properly at the right time Security protects their families and communities.For more information, please visit https://www.mcafee.com/consumer

The features and advantages of McAfee technology depend on the system configuration and may require activation of hardware, software or services. No computer system can be absolutely safe. McAfee® and the McAfee logo are trademarks of McAfee, LLC or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Other trademarks and brands may be the property of other owners.


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