The size of the diagnostic market in the United States, shared and trend analysis reports by technology and product, and market forecast by application and segment, 2021-2028 – QNT Press Release


New York, June 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – announced the release of the report “U.S. Organizational Diagnostics Market Size, Sharing and Trend Analysis Report by Technology and Product, Application and Market Segment Forecasts, 2021-2028 year”-

U.S. Organizational Diagnostics Market Growth and Trends

By 2028, the US tissue diagnostics market is expected to reach 2.81 billion U.S. dollars, with a compound annual growth rate of 3.91% during the forecast period. The key factors that complement the market growth include the continued increase in cancer cases, the growth of organ transplants and donations, and the increased acceptance of personalized medicine and companion diagnostics in the United States. The increase in the number of research activities aimed at the development of new tissue diagnostic solutions is also expected to drive the market.

The paradigm shift in the field of anatomical pathology can be attributed to the exponential increase in the incidence of cancer in the United States, thereby expanding the clinical pathology industry. In addition, the stable integration of molecular pathology and anatomical pathology, steep adoption…

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