Houston, May 11, 2021 (Global News)-Kane Anderson Energy Infrastructure Fund Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) (New York Stock Exchange:gender) Announced today that it has completed the previously announced private placement and issued US$50 million PP series floating rate notes and US$20 million 1.81% QQ series notes. The proceeds from the issuance of the PP and QQ series will be used to refinance existing leverage and for general corporate purposes.
Kayne Anderson (Kayne Anderson) Energy Infrastructure Fund Co., Ltd. (New York Stock Exchange:gender) Is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company registered under the “Investment Company Act” revised in 1940, and its common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The company’s investment goal is to provide high total after-tax returns, with a focus on cash distribution to shareholders. KYN intends to achieve this goal by investing at least 80% of its total assets in securities of energy infrastructure companies. For a description of these investment categories and the meaning of capitalized terms, please refer to the “Key Glossary” in the company’s latest quarterly report.
This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy, and no securities may be sold in any jurisdiction that does not allow the offer or sale. Nothing in this press release is intended to suggest any investment policy or investment strategy, nor does it take into account the specific goals or circumstances of any investor. Before investing, please consult your investment, tax or legal advisors to understand your personal situation.
Warning about forward-looking statements: This communication contains statements that reflect assumptions, expectations, predictions, intentions, or beliefs about future events. These and other statements that are not entirely related to historical or current facts constitute forward-looking statements as defined by the US Federal Securities Act. Forward-looking statements involve a variety of risks and uncertainties. These risks include but are not limited to changes in economic and political conditions; regulatory and legal changes; energy industry risks; leverage risks; valuation risks; interest rate risks; tax risks; and other risks discussed in detail in the company’s documents submitted to the SEC, The URL is: www.kaynefunds.com or www.sec.gov. Actual events may differ materially from these statements or our current expectations or forecasts. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements will only be issued from the date they are issued. Kayne Anderson assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements in this article. There is no guarantee that the company’s investment goals will be achieved.
Contact: Investor Relations Tel: 877-657-3863 or cef@kaynecapital.com
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