Dublin, April 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The “Sixth Generation Wireless by 6G Tech Development (Investment, R&D and Testing) and 6G Market Commercialization (Infrastructure, Deployment, Apps and Services), Use Cases and Industry Verticals 2022 – 2030” report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering.
The report also assesses 6G market commercialization including opportunities for infrastructure development and equipment deployment as well as a realization of applications and services.
The report also analyzes 6G market use cases by industry vertical. The report provides 6G market sizing for 2022 through 2030, with the lower end of the range focused primarily on technology development, and the latter end of the range focused on 6G market commercialization.
In its fourth year of analyzing the emerging six-generation wireless market, the publisher of this report is the leading market research company focused upon emerging 6G technologies, capabilities, solutions, applications and services.
This report edition expands upon previous analysis focused primarily upon emerging 6G technologies. This edition evaluates 6G development including technology investment, R&D, prototyping and testing.
Sixth Generation Wireless Technologies
Expanding upon the trend started with technologies supporting 5G capabilities, 6G will be integrated with a set of previously disparate technologies. Several key technologies will converge with 6G including AI, big data analytics, and computing. 6G networks will extend the performance of existing 5G capabilities along with expanding the scope to support increasingly new and innovative applications across the realms of communications, sensing, wireless cognition, and imaging.
Whereas 5G leverages mmWave in the microwave frequency range, 6G will take advantage of even smaller wavelengths at the Terahertz (THz) band in the 100 GHz to 3 THz range. While the impact to the Radio Access Network (RAN) for 5G is substantial, it will be even bigger with 6G networks, which is driven largely by a substantial increase in frequency, which will facilitate the need for antennas virtually everywhere.
Just as there have been, and will continue to be, many challenges with 5G, so …
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