US Pelosi calls on world leaders to boycott China’s 2022 Olympic Games | Human Rights News


The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, criticized China for violating the human rights of Uighurs and other minorities.

The top US legislator Nancy Pelosi called for a boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing and criticized China Human rights violation He also said that the global leaders attending the meeting will lose their moral authority.

American lawmakers are increasingly calling for Olympic boycott Or the venue changes.

They also criticized U.S. companies, arguing that they remained silent about the views of the U.S. State Department. Genocide Oppose Uighur Other ethnic minorities in China are teaching the Chinese government.

Democrat Pelosi said at a bipartisan congressional hearing on Tuesday that the world’s heads of state should avoid the Olympic Games originally scheduled for February.

U.S. lawmakers are increasingly calling for a boycott of the Olympics or changing venues [File: Andy Wong/AP Photo]

Pelosi said that she is proposing a “diplomatic boycott” in which “major countries in the world do not participate in the Olympics.”

Pelosi said: “Let us not let the head of state go to China to pay respect to the Chinese government.”

“To let the heads of state go to China during the genocide trip, and when you sit in your seat, this is really a problem. Do you have to talk about the moral authority of human rights again anywhere in the world?” she said.

The United Nations independent team said in 2018 that it had received reliable reports that at least 1 million Uighurs and other Muslims were held in refugee camps in the Xinjiang region of western China. Beijing describes the refugee camps as vocational training centers aimed at eliminating “extremism” and “extremism.” Strongly oppose the allegations And genocide.

Democratic Congressman Jim McGovern (Jim McGovern) said that the Olympics should be rearranged.

McGovern said: “If we can postpone a pandemic Olympics for one year, we can certainly postpone the genocidal Olympics for one year,” McGovern said. He was referring to the decision by Japan and the International Olympic Committee to postpone the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Uyghurs watch a dance performance at the Urumqi International Market in Xinjiang, western China [File: Mark Schiefelbein/AP Photo]

McGovern said: “This will give the International Olympic Committee time to relocate to a country where its government does not commit atrocities.”

In the United States, demand for some form of boycotting the Beijing Olympics is growing.

Last month, Republican Senator Mitt Romney proposed an amendment to broader legislation to deal with China in order to implement a diplomatic boycott of the United States. At the same time, the League of Human Rights Activists on Tuesday called on athletes to boycott the Olympics and put pressure on the International Olympic Committee.

The administration of US President Joe Biden once expressed the hope that it would work with allies to formulate a common policy for participating in the Beijing Olympics, but Secretary of State Antony Blinken has repeatedly stated that this issue has not yet been discussed.

When asked about Pelosi’s comments, a senior official in the Biden administration told Reuters that its position at the 2022 Olympics has not changed.

Last month, Republican Senator Mitt Romney proposed an amendment that would implement a diplomatic boycott of the United States. [File: Susan Walsh/Pool via AP]

Biden, also a Democrat, once said that China is a strategic competitor of the United States.

Those who support the participation of American athletes in the Olympic Games said that it is unfair to punish athletes. The Olympic Games will provide the United States with the highest number of Winter Olympic medals with a platform to show its vitality on the global stage.

Sarah Hirshland, chief executive of the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC), said in a written statement to the Congressional hearing that USOPC is concerned about the “oppression of the Uyghur population,” but that banning American athletes from participating in the Olympics is “certainly not the answer.”

She said: “Past boycott movements failed to achieve political goals. They should make us all suspend consideration of another boycott.”


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