The fundamental picture for zinc is positive with decade-low inventories, tight supply and growing demand which are expected to support elevated long-term zinc prices.
Titan Mining Corporation (TSX: TI) is a Canadian-based mining company producing zinc concentrate at its 100%-owned Empire State Mine (“ESM”) in New York. The company remains positive on the long-term outlook for zinc and continues to support the local community.
ESM includes a group of historic zinc mines located in St. Lawrence County, New York. The historic mining district is being modernized, with the recent restart of production at the ESM #4 mine and both near-mine and regional exploration activities underway. Guided by an experienced board of directors and advisors, and supported by the local community, the company is investing in St. Lawrence County and its local workforce.
Titan Mining recognizes that the discovery, development and production of mineral resources requires broad community support. An integral component of ESM’s growth strategy is a commitment to localization and building partnerships that deliver long-term mutual benefits with the local community. ESM has been purchasing goods and services from nearby businesses and working to attract employees from the local area. ESM has developed a training program to provide up to 60 prospective local workers with the skills needed to become qualified underground miners for ESM. This $1.2 million training program was established in partnership with the New York Power Authority (“NYPA”) and the Workforce Development Institute.
The graduates of the training program are eligible to become part of ESM’s growing workforce of over 200 people, of which approximately 70% are hired from the local area. Recruiting efforts also focus on veterans and soldiers from neighbouring Fort Drum military base.
What’s next for Titan Mining?
Production is ramping up at ESM and exploration is underway, with multiple near-mine and regional targets identified. Modernization and innovation are expected to be an integral part of the growth plan at ESM, as it looks to increase productivity, lower costs and increase its eight-year mine life.
Richard Warke is the founder and Executive Chairman of Titan Mining. With over twenty-five years of experience in the global resource sector, Warke also serves as founder and Chairman of Augusta Group of Companies, a conglomerate of public companies and private businesses in the resource industry.
The sale of Arizona Mining (~C$2.1billion in 2018) following the discovery of the world-class Taylor deposit in Arizona, Augusta Resource (~C$700 million in 2014) and Ventana Gold (~C$1.6 billion in 2011) are just some of Warke’s achievements. He has led companies, acquired projects, raised capital, installed independent management teams, and sold over C$4.5 billion worth of mining projects.
During the time that Warke led Arizona Mining, an economic-impact report on its Hermosa Project concluded that once developed, it could create over 500 full-time jobs and inject nearly $700 million annually into the local economy.
Now at the helm of Titan Mining, Richard Warke is looking to repeat his former success, while maintaining focus on local economic development around ESM.
“When acquiring properties or projects, in addition to considering the upside potential, perhaps most importantly we are focused on developing projects in a sustainable way and placing a priority on promoting local economies,” Warke said in reference to Titan Mining.
While the economic impact of ESM to St. Lawrence County is yet to be calculated, the modernization of the mining district is underway, with the local economy already seeing some of its benefits.