Decades after being disbanded, microwave weapons have begun to be seen as a serious military threat-prompting the Department of Defense to issue a requirement to equip American soldiers with detectors, which is the so-called “increasing threat on the battlefield.”
These weapons (some of which cause a burning sensation) have been considered for use on American soil. In June, a federal policeman asked for a truck the size of a truck Microwave heat ray Protests to disperse the lives of black people.Trump administration considers using the same device Oppose asylum seekers In 2018.
Now, the Department of Defense wants American soldiers to be equipped with microwave weapon detectors.That was proposed on December 9th Contract solicitation Used for “low-cost, lightweight, and compact wearable radio frequency (RF) weapon exposure detectors”, which specify high-frequency microwaves from the Defense Health Program of the Ministry of Defense.
The Ministry of Defense’s interest in detecting microwave weapons comes from Israel, China and Russia According to reports, they are inventing their own version of microwave heat rays”Active rejection systemThe United States was a pioneer twenty years ago. The United States continues to develop this technology: the Air Force Research Laboratory is launching “Anti-group electromagnetic weapon“(Called THOR) bombing drones in flight. Navy microwave weapon prototype Mounted on the standard gun mount Launched in 2018.along with Autumn war Between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the former is Drone fleet Weakened the latter’s defensive capabilities.
Then, in December, a new report suggested that these weapons may cause neurological damage.National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine Critical report It is suggested that these weapons are the “most reasonable explanation” for the puzzling nervous system damage seen in at least 15 Cuban diplomats and their families In 2016 and 2017.
“No known pattern [radiofrequency] Injury to guide the diagnosis, it will be difficult to distinguish [microwave] Injuries caused by other common diseases and injuries (such as heat stroke),” said the Department of Defense’s microwave weapon detector Procedure requirements, Closed in about two weeks. The transient nature of radio frequency energy exacerbates this ambiguity. Without sensors, there may be no residual evidence of radio frequency attacks. “
The Department of Defense declined to comment on the probe contract. However, experts contacted by BuzzFeed News believe that the rapid development of microwave weapons may stem from the emergence of unmanned weapons and NASEM reports. They added that this technology deserves attention as a new battlefield focus in the 21st century.
Andrew Wood of the Australian Center for Electromagnetic Biological Effects Research said: “I think that although the United States has never deployed these weapons on the battlefield, people are worried that other actors will do so.” He added that they can easily be hidden in cloth. Behind the scenes, so, for example, American soldiers who are experiencing a burning sensation may need a detector to tell if anyone has aimed a microwave weapon at them.
Marloes Eeftens, an environmental epidemiologist at the Swiss Academy of Tropical and Public Health, told the contract that the demand for wearable sensors that can be inserted into the rifle ammunition bag and clipped to the vest also shows that there is concern that personnel at the military test site will be accidentally exposed In the microwave. Send BuzzFeed news via email.
Eeftens warned that although they felt burning when they were in the beam of a “heat-ray-like” weapon, he warned that it is difficult to determine whether the concentrated microwave field is to blame. She said: “You will not leave any traces, so it is difficult to objectively determine whether someone has actually touched and how many things they have touched.”
Paul Elliot of Magnetic Science Inc. in Acton, Massachusetts, told BuzzFeed News that there are other types of radio frequency wave detectors besides the microwave described in the Department of Defense’s contract tender. They are usually designed for people who work in electronics.
He said: “What we sell is the size of a brick, at least half the size of a brick.” “You can’t wear it.”
Like a microwave oven in an oven, high-temperature induction microwaves can cook food and cause burns, which is a problem with the nervous system. Health effects May be due to weaker functions Long-term lack of evidence And subject to Conspiracy theories about 5G phones today.
U.S. Air Force experiments set limits Human microwave exposure In the 1970s, research on electromagnetic pulses produced by nuclear explosions.Since then, these standards have been widely adopted, but 2018 NATO Technical Report Calling these limits scientifically unreasonable, claiming that these limits are not supported by any experiments that show harm.French researcher’s report last year Low-power pulsed microwaves are linked to cancer and behavioral changes in rats Raise the issue of health effects again, Especially now considering the use of THOR and other systems for the field use of UAVs.
Ken Foster, a bioengineer at the University of Pennsylvania, said: “I don’t want light beams to cause major safety problems for people, but on the other hand, the amount of research on the biological effects of such pulses is limited.” “If the military wants to deploy these weapons , Then they will better conduct good safety research.”
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