In the past twelve years, Israel has slammed the Gaza Strip in its fourth military offensive against mainly refugee residents. As a result, Israel claims to have a superior code of ethical conduct.
As the Israeli leader hopes, the world should not be distracted by the image of death and destruction, and Hamas should be held accountable because it is hidden among civilians.
In fact, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said to US President Joe Biden, “Israel is doing everything possible to avoid harming innocent civilians.”
Indeed, Israel has sent warning shots to the residents of Gaza so that they can escape their lives before the bomb destroys their livelihoods. The Palestinians should be grateful.
Israel also claims that it is targeting specific terrorist facilities and that everything else is an unintended consequence. However, Israel calls it “collateral damage”, while the Palestinians call it relatives: the women, men and children they mourn every day.
Netanyahu said that Israel has designated Hamas as the population center of Israel. However, although it should not be forgiven or forgiven, reality once again tells a different story: there is a huge gap between the death and destruction faced by Palestinians and Israelis.
Israel and its supporters also insisted on its right to self-defense. In fact, Israel has become an ever-expanding occupying power, thus losing this right of self-defense.
They say that Israel is actually only defending its citizens, but it is actually defending the occupation and conquest of the Palestinians.
Israel insists that it will not start a war. Considering that it started most of the wars in the past, this is usually wrong. It provokes war through assassinations, bombings, blockades, expulsions, expulsions, seizures of land, attacks on holy sites, and relentless illegal settlements.
The decades-long military and civilian occupation itself is a continuous state of war and violence. Israel can stop the madness of war by simply ending its occupation and deprivation of Palestinians.
Israel claims that it does not seek conflict, but peace. But throughout the quarter-century of the “peace process”, successive Israeli governments have insisted on maintaining full rule over the entire historic Palestine and have expanded illegal settlements for this purpose.
In any case, these “talking points” that have been repeatedly drilled and repeated are nothing new. Although the tragedies of war surpassed all whirlwinds, they have come a long way in justifying Israel’s history of aggression.
But for a long time, they have also reflected deeper contradictions in the Israeli mentality. Indeed, since its inception, Israel has heralded a contradictory image of being powerful but insecure, superior but in need, bloody but humane, violent but vulnerable, and ultimately a benevolent warrior and vicious peacemaker.
Israel has always been a powerful military and nuclear power, superior to all its neighbors, but it is the only country that has always remained obsessed with survival.
This is because the root cause of this insecurity is not lack of strength, but lack of acceptance or lack of conditions as a colonization project for settlers mainly in the Arab region. The vast majority of the people in the region rejected this request.
Israel’s sense of insecurity stems from evil-the evil of one country is based on the ruins of another nation, the disastrous takeover of Palestine and the deprivation of its residents by the vicious violence in 1948.
Although the Zionist leaders at the time lied about the cause and handling of the war, they could not escape the truth of their actions. As Israel’s “new historians” documented, the Palestinians did not voluntarily flee their towns, nor did they listen to the appeals of some Arabs to evacuate their houses. Israel carried out a carefully planned and extensive offensive of ethnic cleansing to ensure the Jewish status of the new country.
This makes many Israelis feel uneasy and conflict. After all, many of its early Jewish immigrants were themselves victims of terrible atrocities in Europe and elsewhere.
But while many Israelis feel justified, others express their grief over the terrible things they “must do”, even though no one has forced their hands to occupy Palestine or maintain control for decades.
Indeed, there were many early Zionists who understood the terrible consequences of war and advocated peaceful coexistence with the Palestinians of a country for most of the first half of the 20th century.
The ancient Israeli expression yorim ve bochim best understands this ambivalence, which is actually “shooting and crying.” It is as old and complicated as the state itself.
The military officer, the famous writer Yizar Smilansky, in his 1949 novel “Khirbet Khizeh”, shockedly wrote that his military department was shocked during the 1948 war. The planned and unprovoked destruction of Palestinian villages and the deportation of their inhabitants.
As an intelligence officer, Smilansky knew very well that this was just one of hundreds of villages and towns destroyed by the Israeli army. However, like Micha, the protagonist of his novel, despite his sinful conscience, he “completed the work” with his comrades.
Revisionist novels were adapted into films and TV series, while Similansky became a member of the Knesset from the ruling Mapai in the 1950s because it continued to deprive Palestinians of their basic human rights.
It was this conflict between the writer Smilansky and the politician Smilansky that shaped the works of more than a few famous Zionist writers, especially Amos. Amos Oz, they have influenced the views of millions of people, especially the “diaspora”.
During the pandemic, I spent time completing two of Oz’s novels “Judas” and “Scenes of Country Life” and found that they are literaryly interesting, but politically hypocritical.
But it was the late Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir who pushed the hypocrisy of “shooting and crying” to a whole new level of bullishness***.
She told the Palestinians in a notorious racist singer: “We can forgive you for killing our son, but we will never forgive you for letting us kill your son.” That was chutzpah’s outstanding performance.
Therefore, it is quite annoying that today, the Palestinians apologize for killing many of them by the Israeli army.
Hypocrisy goes far beyond peace initiated by war. In 1993, Minister of Foreign Affairs Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin boasted of Israel’s generosity and willingness to share a small portion of the “land of Israel” with the Palestinians for peace. It doesn’t matter, it was the Palestinians who made the historic compromise by admitting that Israel had stretched four-fifths of their homeland.
But now everything is over. It is indeed a passé.
After years of impunity, today’s Israelis, of course most Israeli leaders, have not shot and wept. They do not want to share land or achieve real peace with the Palestinians. Most people are more likely to shoot and laugh.
One of the most disturbing images I have seen in my life was during the Gaza War in 2014. It has no drama or tragedy. It only shows a group of Israelis picnicking in the mountains, supervising Gaza, eating popcorn and entertaining themselves, watching Israel’s bombing of densely populated and over-deprived areas.
Why let the death of the Palestinians destroy a huge fireworks display?
In the past, certain Israeli leaders may have been disturbed by everything they did and the crimes they had committed, but they believed that the purpose must have means.
hypocritical? Maybe. However, unlike the new generation of fanatical leaders and their followers, they are at least contradictory and even somewhat regretful.
In contrast, today, Netanyahu’s slaves and partners use props such as regret and peace as props. To make matters worse, they have a complete guide, which was written after the first Israel-Gaza War in 2009, instructing officials on how to portray Israel as a victim of peace-loving, well-meaning Palestinian aggression.
People can only watch Netanyahu warn Israeli Palestinians not to use violence. When they are victims of organized violence, they are just trying to defend themselves against overwhelming police brutality and violence. The atrocities of Jewish fanatics.
For example, during the Gaza War in 2014, I wrote articles about hasbara deception masquerading as a conflict here, here, and in many articles here.
Throughout my research on Israel’s war and propaganda, I found that the most enlightening thing is that apart from deceptive delivery, Israel has not brought anything new to the art of deception.
Most other colonial forces in the past called them enemy terrorists, accused them of cowardice, and used civilians as human shields and so on.
But what became of these colonialists and their propaganda?
It is difficult, if not impossible, to be optimistic about the short-term prospects of the solution. But when the dust settles on another abusive Israeli war, the Israelis will once again fall into the ranks of millions of Palestinians who are more determined to restore their freedom.
Like the dozen or so colonial countries before it, especially the white settler regimes in South Africa and Algeria, the Israelis must make a choice sooner or later: live in peace or leave in humiliation.
It makes no sense to postpone the inevitable pain in this process.
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