Mexico City-In the past few weeks, people in the United Kingdom and the United States have begun to feel at ease about their vaccinations Coronavirus disease -But throughout Latin America, Africa and most of Asia, the news was full of resignation and anger.
For many people in developing countries, there is still no light at the end of the tunnel.
These countries are struggling to obtain the long-awaited vaccine after retaining enough vaccine doses in rich countries to vaccinate their populations several times.
Martha Delgado, a Mexican official in charge of negotiating vaccine contracts in the country, told BuzzFeed News: “International solidarity needs to grow.” She echoed the concerns of the entire developing world, and she warned that unless everyone can. Use this vaccine, otherwise the global pandemic will be endless. She hopes that the United States and other Western countries will think beyond their own borders and immediate needs. She said: “No one will be safe until everyone is vaccinated.”
In Canada, for example, the number of vaccines ordered is at least four times the number of vaccines required for its 38 million citizens. The UK has enough security to cover nearly three times its population. The European Union and the United States can use their reserved vaccine doses to immunize almost all residents twice.At the same time, almost A quarter of the global population According to the medical journal BMJ, the vaccine will not be available until at least 2022.
So far, some of the poorer countries hardest hit by the virus have pre-purchased only a small part of their population.According to a report in the New York Times, Peru was severely hypoxic at the beginning of this year, leaving the country at a marginal position; while in El Salvador, more than a quarter of its people are below the poverty line, and their scheduled dose is less than half of the population. analysis.
Countries with pre-orders but no political influence or economic power will wait longer than large countries. The Mexican government said it has signed contracts with multiple pharmaceutical companies to vaccinate 116 million people out of 126 million citizens against COVID-19. The country stated that the operation will not be completed until at least March 2022.
In Delgado told the BBC: “At least in Mexico, we have the money to buy vaccines,” said Xavier Tello, a health policy expert based in Mexico City. Retweeted An interview-related post said: “I can spend money to buy myself a Tesla; but if someone else has already paid, I may have to be on the waiting list.”
Many people in Mexico say that the country cannot wait any longer. On the surface, the country’s death toll is second only to the United States, Brazil and India, ranking fourth, but the official figure (118,598) may be much lower than the actual number of casualties. At least 60,000 more”excessiveDuring 2020, the number of other deaths.
Medical staff in Mexico say they have reached their limits due to the continuing shortage of personal protective equipment, exhaustion and grief.More than 2,250 doctors, nurses and medical staff died, According to government figures.Mexico’s population is almost three times that of Mexico 1,500 medical staff Died in the United States.
Who vaccinated how many vaccines and when, triggered unprecedented ethical debates. Should the government give priority to its citizens? Should the first batch of vaccines be allocated to a certain percentage of the population of each country? Before assigning high-risk groups to people without comorbidities, should they be given an initial dose?
Arthur Caplan, head of the Department of Medical Ethics at the New York University School of Medicine, said that he partially defended the first school of thought, the vaccine nationalist. Affordable countries should take care of themselves first and “add a little more insurance”, in case the current vaccines can only provide immunity for a limited period of time and require booster immunizations in the near future.
However, in making a more ethical decision, Kaplan said that once a state is vaccinated against healthcare workers, the elderly, and people with pre-existing conditions, then the state should subsequently vaccinate the same vaccine in other countries and regions. Then vaccinate young people and young people. People at risk.
COVID-19 has caused so much damage worldwide that fairness is not part of the decision-making when it comes to the distribution of vaccines between countries.
Kaplan told BuzzFeed News: “The situation in rich countries is very bad, and they didn’t think about it.”
Although the second option-to distribute the vaccine to an equal number of people in each country-seems more equitable, it may eventually fail. Ignacio Mastroleo, Argentine expert in medical ethics section The World Health Organization’s ethics and COVID-19 expert group pointed out that, for example, providing the same amount of vaccine to Peru and Poland will not take into account that the virus killed more than 11,600 people (their populations) in the former than in the latter. 32 million and 38 million).
Mastrorio said that this choice is “insensitive to the needs of the people”, adding that Peru’s poverty rate is 10 times that of Poland.
Mastroleo said that if there is a silver lining, it is that, unlike the 2009 swine flu pandemic, international organizations are working to support the equality of this vaccination. A mechanism co-founded by the World Health Organization is called COVAX, a global vaccine library available to poor countries. But the plan can only meet the needs of less than 20% of the population in 92 low- and middle-income countries.
Not only between countries, but also within countries, there may be unequal access to vaccines, making millions of vulnerable people unable to resist the virus.On Monday, Colombian President Iván Duque (Iván Duque) Interview And Blu Radio has no plans to vaccinate undocumented people. He said that if the country does so, it may “brand” Colombian immigrants. Currently, there are 1.7 million Venezuelans living in Colombia, and about 55% of them have no citizenship. Most of them fled the economic and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela.
Delgado said that by the end of 2021 or even later, the relief of millions of people may not be realized. At that time, countries that had overdose of vaccines either sold it or donated it to poorer states.
“This is the wrong strategy,” Delgado said. When people stop “searching for their own salvation,” relief will appear more quickly in all parts of the world.
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