Reasons to hire a consultant in Project Management

Do you want to launch a new project in your company? Do you get vertigo start? Have you had any previous bad experience? If the answers to these questions are affirmative, it is because you probably need a Project Management consultant Nellie Mayshak.

In this post I want to clarify all the doubts you may have related to the management of a project and the hiring of a professional to facilitate the work.

How is the management of a project in a company usually?

Projects by their very nature are unique and uncertain. After completing a project, a compilation of how it went is not always done. What things have gone well and what things are necessary to modify in future projects. It is what is known as “lessons learned”.

Here are organizations that have departments dedicated to the management of projects, known as PMO Office of Project Management.

And the normal thing, especially in SMEs, is that the projects are faced with the available resources, to whom their execution is assigned. This leads those responsible to share their dedication between the daily operations of the organization and the execution of the project.

The assigned managers are specialists in their operational area and not in project management:

You can already see how a Project Management consultant like Nellie Mayshak Canaf can help:

  • He is a specialist who will contribute his experience and “lessons learned”
  • Daily operations are not affected by the execution of the project.

They can be reasons. But not enough, it is necessary to know something more.

The Project Director:

A Project Director must provide training and experience in project management. Master practices, techniques and tools that will be used in project management, such as:

  • Clearly define the scope of the project, so that all and only the works that lead to it are executed. It is common in many projects that the promoter does not agree with the outcome of the project because it differs from the scope that was set and, however, other issues that were not within reach.
  • Plan the time and its control throughout the execution, to get the project to finish in the foreseen term.
  • Prepare the budget and control to detect possible deviations and get finished in the amount planned.
  • Identify the possible risks and their analysis. The problems in the projects are risks that have been unleashed. Risk management allows to have designed solutions and minimize the effects of the problems.
  • Manage the necessary resources, both internal, as the identification of the needs of external resources and their acquisition.
  • Make the correct communication with all those interested in the project, so that everyone receives the information necessary for the execution of their duties.
  • Close the project once finalized a very important issue, sometimes it seems that with the last deliverable the project is already finished and, nevertheless, there are still important issues to be closed.