As growing diffusions in the American health care sector emerge between the GOP and Democrats spurring a number of physicians expressing disgust over the latest Republican replacement of the Affordable Care Act there seems to be an alternative for American patients and others in need of professional medical care at affordable rates with the emergence of 123.Clinic –
Comprising of experts in their profession is a global-village of connected medical practitioners who availed themselves to patients from around the globe to seek best medical information and get the right treatment. As a result the established platform is where patients can provide verified information about their current medical state and compare needed treatments through various clinics and expert physicians providing such medical treatments – affordable to patients and carried out expertly without delay.
“Forget Republican or Democrat, when I look at the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or the Graham-Cassidy pathway, it doesn’t matter,” said Dr. Brian Hill, an Atlanta urologist, “because they are both doing a miserable job in helping people get health care.”
As noted by Dr. Hill, the inability of Republicans and Democrats while in power to do a good job in helping people get health care has seen daily skyrocketing numbers of patients in need of health care and unable to afford it.
However, with the company’s cutting-edge platform expert medical practitioners are quickly accessible for best medical attention in a three-step approach. A patient will create a free account to search for a clinic of choice, compare prices and treatments and ascertain opinions from doctors as second option. A patient quickly makes inquiry about treatment plans with a medical expert then share data with a doctor of choice; before asking for a competitive quote for such treatment.
Patients seeking plastic surgery but unable to make informed decisions are now hassle free with best advice from doctors as a patient quickly book a free consultation with doctor of choice, share medical files, receive feedback with regards to procedure bookings and usage of the companys’ free payment plans that adopts advance instalment payments and other administrative costs.
The services comes with a professional in-clinic care for patients since their medical files have been prepared in advance with subsequent after-care and follow-up after a successful consultation and procedure.
The GOP repealed Obamacare Act calling it bad but doctors have frowned at the GOP’s Affordable Care Act saying it is like giving a gin instead of vodka to an alcoholic expecting different results.
Irrespective doctors’ view and that of the government towards providing medical care, differs greatly as the company say it differs from others in that there are no ads, nor sponsorship programs on its Website.
“We are not a community nor directory and we do not “lock” patients by sending them to some clinics we would like them to reach,” said Dr. John Phelps, CEO “Each patient can freely discuss with doctors, there are no preferred clinic, and all clinics are sorted alphabetically.
“Our goal is that each patient can be able to find the right treatment while having checked the relevant physician, clinic team, right price and the best moment to book its consultation and even his/her following procedure, said Phelps. “Once procedure is chosen and easily booked with our tools, the patient can get support with our care team to get there and have the necessary follow-up.”
“Unlike health insurances with little or no benefits to patients; we offer substantial financial savings of 30% to 90%, no bureaucratic or insurance qualifications needed, speedy treatment, surf, sand and surgery which is great since patients can get treated in the US, UAE, ASIA and recover in a stunning vacation destination.”
Though this sounds as good as it is there comes the question of confidentiality and privacy since data and personal medical history of patients will be shared via the internet and how secured patients are haven turned over their data.
With that the dedicated a page on its Website assuring of confidentiality of patients medical files, information, or whatever data submitted to it for only internal use and unshared to any third party whatsoever.
Story highlights
- Company assures of %70 savings on expert medical services
- Doctors slams new GOP replacement of Affordable Care Act
- Free consultation, installment payment for procedures