Mond Gutierrez & Jm Rodriguez Sexually Harrassed the Argentinian Model

Rodriguez and Raymond Gutierrez sexual harrasment

Manila’s bad reputation host JM Rodriguez joined with the crippled Mond Gutierrez which are one of the partners of the following clubs named Prive and Valkiry aka the pool palace which are located in Manila metropolis has been found to be attacked by Argentina supporters and has been called a “dog face” for disrespecting an Argentinian model in a club with his fellow companion Mond Gutierrez.

Covering two bad boys that have power abused and misbehaved with the miss. After a model agency has reported that their model has been allegedly verbally sexually harassed at the area of: Valkyrie Nightclub, Pool Club at The Palace, Revel scene.

Rodriguez and Raymond Gutierrez sexual harrasment

The model was allegedly an Argentinian in her close 20’s, she was called out a “stupid s word” for not obeying and coming to their table, she would not follow the command and therefore was named that way. Later on she has been kicked out of the club, the model agency wants to bring an awareness for situations like this can happen anytime where club big guys can rule out the tables at their own accord.

Mond Gutierrez has been called out to be a “Gay” “fagg0t” lord for being one of the top partners of those clubs to be involved in bullying. It went viral recently and the response has been very aggressive on both Twitter and Instagram platforms.

The ruling parties involved in the abuse:

Mond Gutierrez

TV host, editor, and columnist who has made a name for himself in the Philippines. He is best known for hosting Pinoy Idol in 2008. He is also one of the hosts of Showbiz Police. has attended plenty of award shows, has been nominated to be some of the greats but recently has hit a decline due to this situation.

Needs to fix it ASAP with the girl tbh.

JM Rodriguez

JM Rodriguez has been in the clubbing business since the early 2000s—hosting, acting, and singing for television, film, and theater. Rodriguez has redirected this energy towards several business ventures; today, when he’s entertaining, it’s usually at one of the clubs that he co-owns—Privé, 12 Monkeys, Valkyrie, The Palace Pool Club, and Revel.

The internet community is growing to understand him better in a more negative way unless he fixes this situation real quick.

This situation is on going and a lot of pressure is being pumped on those two.

We recommend them to post an apology to the model herself and the model agency that supports her.