Looking for all the best weekly Target deals? Check out the list of the most popular offers you will find in the store this week!
Here are some of Target’s best prices this week, thanks Passionate Penny Pincher Thanks for her help compiling them:
White kiwi and strawberries-$1.99
Lipton Southern Sweet Tea, 20 oz – $1.56
Ortega Taco Seasoning – $0.79
Sparkling ICE Sparkling Energy, 16 oz – $0.99
Jarritos beverage, 12 oz bottle – $0.85
Gatorade Bolt Drink-Buy 4 pieces for $1, get 2 pieces free
Red Vine Licorice Twist-$1.29
Foaming ice Foaming ice, 17 ounces – $1
Sidral Mundet Drink-$1.39
Chobani Greek Yogurt-$1.29
View the full list of Target deals this week here.
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