If you grew up with a convenient adult at home, you may have been familiar with WD-40 since childhood.
The magical water-replacement petroleum-based spray was invented in the 1950s to prevent the components of Atlas missiles from rusting. But nowadays, it is a common household item with dozens of uses-some are well-known, some are not.
WD-40 is traditionally used for creaking hinges or loosening rusty screws or nuts. But it actually has many unexpected uses, which are not listed on the can. According to WD-40 website, A bus driver in Asia actually used WD-40 to remove the python coiled on the bus chassis. Now these are some smart ideas.
24 clever ways to use WD-40
You can use the trusted WD-40 can to clean your home, prevent pests, and even keep your clothes and cars beautiful. Here are just a few of the many uses of WD-40.
Around the house
1. Clean carpet stains
Before using ordinary carpet cleaner, WD-40 can help remove stubborn carpet stains. Spray the stain thoroughly and let it sit for a few minutes to allow the liquid to seep in. Use any conventional carpet cleaner to thoroughly remove stains. Don’t miss the steps of using carpet cleaner. WD-40 helps to remove stains, but it should not be left on the fabric. It can be dyed!
Depending on the type of stubborn stain, you may need to perform this operation multiple times to completely remove the stain. Try this on tea stains, coffee and wine, or even the spaghetti sauce dripping on the runway on the way to the table.
2. Traces of consumption tax wear and tear
It is difficult to remove the abrasion marks on vinyl or tile floors with ordinary floor cleaners. Spray WD-40 to remove the abrasion marks to loosen it, and then wipe it clean. The wear marks should disappear as soon as possible.
3. Remove scale stains on porcelain
If your toilet’s hard water leaves mineral stains in the toilet, your toilet can benefit from WD-40. Spray WD-40 in the toilet, then use a toilet brush to clean it thoroughly, and then rinse to rinse off the residue.
4. Erase children’s graffiti
If you are a parent, you will know the joy of seeing your beloved child draw a beautiful picture for you. You know the pain of finding it on a wall instead of a piece of paper.
WD-40 can remove crayon marks on the wall without damaging the paint. Spray it quickly and wipe it off. You should see the graffiti also come off.
5. No sticky paper residue
If your kids are like mine, they absolutely love stickers. My kids stick them everywhere, but one of their favorite places is on my kitchen cabinet. Putting stickers on them gives me a moment of peace, but I will pay for it when I need to remove them.
WD-40 can remove the remaining sticky residue. Just spray it on the sticky patch, wait for about a minute, and then wipe it off. The sticker residue should come off easily. This technique also applies to bumper stickers on your car.
6. Remove hair dye stains
You can save a lot of time and money by Dye your hair at home. But this is a messy process that will leave stains on towels or clothes. Trying to remove such stains can be difficult.
If you find that the towel is soiled, spray WD-40 on the stain, rub it, and then wash the towel in a heat cycle in the machine to loosen the dye. Once the towel is clean, the stain will disappear.
On the property
7. Prevent snow accumulation
If the weather forecast predicts a heavy snowstorm in winter, take a can of WD-40 and spray it on the window of your home before it snows. The characteristic of distributing water will prevent snow from accumulating in the area outside the window.
8. Keep the snow away from your shovel or snow shovel
People living in cold climates know how painful it is to shovel snow. Snow can be heavy and difficult to move, especially if it gets stuck in your shovel or the chute of your snowplow. Spray WD-40 quickly on the blade or in the chute of the snowplow, so you can clear the driveway or sidewalk faster and consume less energy.
9. Wipe off oil spills on the concrete
Although your garage floor or driveway may not be your first priority to keep it clean, on other clean surfaces, oil spills may look dirty. Fortunately, your handy WD-40 can can help remove stains quickly and easily.
Just spray oil stains with WD-40, and then rinse thoroughly with a hose. Once dry, the oil stains should disappear completely.
10. Protect wooden tool handles
Without proper treatment, tools with wooden handles will age and chip. Rubbing them with WD-40 will help protect the wood from weather damage, extend their life and protect your hands from debris.
11. Remove oil from hands
If you like to work on your car, you will know how hard it is to get your hand grease when you are done. Spraying WD-40 quickly will help loosen the grease, allowing you to clean your hands more easily.
Personal care
12. Remove chewing gum from hair
Chewing gum is great for keeping breath fresh, but once it enters your hair, the game is over. There are many remedies for gum removal (including just cutting off the hair and starting over), but one of the best methods is to spray WD-40. (peanut butter Will also work. )
Spray WD-40 directly on the hair tangles with chewing gum, then comb and rinse it off. The gum should come out right away-but for super sticky gum, you may need to do this a few times.
Pest control
13. Keep bugs away from your house
Do you have an error problem? WD-40 can help stop them. Pick up your jar and spray the solution on any place where bugs might enter your home, such as a door or window frame.
14. Prevent wasps from building nests
You can also use WD-40 to stop wasps and wasps from building nests under the eaves. Spray thoroughly under the eaves to prevent wasps and other flying pests from building nests there.
15. Used as a herbicide
Traditional herbicides are widely criticized for being poisonous and harmful to the environment. WD-40 is a good choice for killing offensive weeds such as thistles, which are difficult to remove from the roots and come back year after year.
Spray weeds with WD-40 and wait for it to die. Uprooting weeds (roots and all) should be easy, so it is unlikely to reappear after a few weeks (or even days).
16.Keep squirrels away from bird feeders
You might not think of a squirrel as a “pest”-at least until you release the bird feeder, it raises more squirrels than birds.
You can spray the feeder with WD-40 to keep the squirrel away from the bird feeder. This makes it slippery, meaning that any squirrel that tries to chew on bird seeds will immediately slip off.
17. Waterproof your boots
Spraying WD-40 can help protect boots and shoes from getting wet. Before going out on a rainy or snowy day, spray the top and sides of your boots first to keep your toes dry while walking.
However, avoid spraying the soles of boots, as this will make them slippery and cause you to fall.
18.Remove shit
Step on shit while walking? WD-40 can help remove the odor from the bottom of the shoe. Spray directly on the stool area, and then use a brush (such as an old toothbrush for cleaning) to completely remove the stool. Make sure to wipe the WD-40 thoroughly with a dry paper towel to avoid slipping shoes. (See Article 17.)
Needless to say, but make sure you don’t accidentally use your Actual toothbrush…
19. Undo the zipper
Have you ever bought a new pair of boots but found that the zipper can hardly be opened? When I said that WD-40 can loosen the zipper stuck on the boot well, I said from experience, it is likely to be on the zipper of the jacket, backpack, computer case and suitcase.
Spray the zipper with WD-40 and pull it up and down several times to move the zipper. Once loose, it should be easier to unzip the zipper and move forward.
20. Prevent the lock from freezing
When the temperature drops, your car door lock may freeze and prevent you from unlocking the parked car. However, if you actively spray WD-40 into the lock, it will prevent moisture from entering the interior and freezing, so you can enter your car effortlessly.
21. Prevent dead insects from attaching to the grille
In the warmer months, with the opening of the swimming pool, people have many things to look forward to and have more opportunities to spend time outdoors. But summer comes bugs, and the dead bugs on the car grille are difficult to remove. However, if you have a can of WD-40 on hand, you can prevent the mistake from getting stuck there in the first place.
Before going out to drive, spray your grille with WD-40. Lubricant means that bugs will slip off instead of splashing on your grille and getting stuck. In the long run, some preventive work can save you a lot of time and trouble.
22. Lubricate your air cap
Your fuel tank cap may not be something you often consider…until it becomes a problem. Spraying WD-40 quickly several times a year can prevent the air cap from rusting and ensure that you can easily open and close it when you refill the tank.
Just make sure to wipe off any residue, because WD-40 may damage the clear coating of your car.
23. Remove paint stains
The paint stains on your car cannot match the power of WD-40. My daughter always opens the car door directly to the wall of our garage, so the edge of her car door is painted with white paint.
To remove paint rubbing stains on the car, spray the affected area with WD-40 and wipe it clean. It’s that simple!
Then baseball
24. Put on new gloves
The leather of the new baseball glove may be very hard. To break it, spray WD-40, place the baseball in the palm of the glove, and then fold the glove over the ball. Tie it with a rubber band and leave it overnight. When you remove the rubber band and the ball, the glove will be softer, and there will be a small ball-shaped pocket in the middle, which is very suitable for catching flying balls.
Looking for other uses for your home products?View the penny hoarder’s guide Alternative uses for peanut butter with Aluminum foil.
Catherine Hiles, who lives in Ohio, is a British writer and editor who lives and works in the United States. She holds a degree in communications from the University of Chester in the United Kingdom and writes about finance and automobiles. , Pet ownership and parenting articles.
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