Daunte Wright was killed by police in Minnesota


On Sunday, the police shot and killed a 20-year-old black man outside Minneapolis who was only a few miles away from Derek Chauvin. On trial Kill George Floyd.

Police at the Brooklyn Center in Minnesota said in a phone call statement The official dragged a driver to the traffic violation at around 2 pm on Sunday and then learned that he had an unexecuted arrest warrant. They began to arrest him, but “the driver re-entered the vehicle” and then a police officer shot him.

The police did not disclose the name of the victim, but Katie Wright recognized him Her son is 20-year-old Daunte Wright.

Shooting leads Hundreds of people Gathered in front of the Brooklyn Center Police Department headquarters on Sunday night.The police fired Tear gas, Bullet, with Flash grenade Among the demonstrators, was image with film Tweet from the scene.After that, around 11:30 in the evening, the police Declared the protest “illegal” According to Minnesota Public Broadcasting News, it threatened to arrest anyone who stayed.The Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, John Harrington, said Monday About 20 companies were looted.

Earlier in the day, hundreds of people gathered at the scene of Wright’s death.Police officer Arrived in riot gearAccording to Kim Hyatt, a reporter for the Minneapolis Interstellar Tribune.Some protesters smashed the police car windshieldThen, a policeman shot a man with a rubber bullet, Hyatt tweeted.

Wright’s mother, Katie, said that according to a tweet from MPR News, Wright’s son was taking a new car to clear the car when the police pulled him into the car. Reporter Tim Nelson. Katie Wright said in a video shared on Facebook Live that he was pulled down because of the air freshener in the car. (In some states, it is illegal to hang air fresheners From the rearview mirror)

The Brooklyn Center police did not disclose the specific “traffic violations” in the statement. The person involved was wearing a body camera, which the police believed was “activated in this incident.”

According to reports, Wright’s girlfriend was in the car at the time of the shooting. Brooklyn Center police said a female passenger in the car was treated at a local hospital.

Wright is Daunte Jr., the father of the child.According to “The Star” reporter Kim Hyatt (Kim Hyatt), he will turn 2 in July.

Wright’s death was made at a time when tensions in Minneapolis and its surrounding areas increased, and the verdict approached the death of George Floyd in May 2020.Floyd’s death triggered a Wave of protest Last year, police across the country responded to these protests. Violently.

Since the beginning of March, the officer who killed Floyd, Derek Chauvin, has been tried for murder.When the trial began, the government building in Minneapolis was Surrounded by roadblocks and fences, The authorities convened thousands of police and National Guard members.

The National Guard arrives According to “Star Tribune” reporter Andy Mannix (Andy Mannix), after Sunday’s shooting, Monday morning in Brooklyn Center.Commissioner Harrington of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety said that state police officers also Be deployed to the area, And the state official is Consider curfewAccording to Tim Nelson, a reporter for Minneapolis Public Radio.

The Criminal Arrest Bureau of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety is a statewide agency that assists certain state and local police in investigations. Tweet on Sunday Agents are heading to the Brooklyn Center to investigate the shooting.

Tim Walz, Governor of Minnesota Tweet on Sunday He “is closely monitoring the situation in the Brooklyn Center” and “prays for Dawn Wright’s family as our state mourns another life of black people abducted by law enforcement officers.”

Mike Elliott, Mayor of Brooklyn Center Tweet on Sunday The shooting was “tragic.” He asked the protesters to keep the peace and asked the police not to respond by force.

Brooklyn Center police did not respond to a request for comment.


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