30 people sentenced to death in anti-police clashes in the Democratic Republic of Congo | Conflict News


After a one-day trial, 30 people in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) were sentenced to death for their role in the anti-police violence that marked the end of Ramadan in the capital.

On Thursday, a police officer in Kinshasa was killed because rival Muslim groups competed for the right to commemorate the end of Ramadan at a major stadium.

Head of the lawyer Tshipamba said that 30 people were sentenced to death in the trial that began on Friday the day after the violence. The court record confirmed the verdict.

Since the moratorium on the death penalty in 2003, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has not executed the death penalty. Since then, the death penalty has been reduced to life imprisonment.

Dozens of people were injured

The local government said that in the fighting outside the Martyrs Stadium, in addition to police officers were killed, several others were injured and a police car was burned down.

Kinshasa police chief Sylvano Kasongo (Sylvano Kasongo) said that about 40 people were injured and 35 people were arrested.

For many years, two rival factions have been questioning the leadership of the Islamic Federation of Muslims in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The two sides remained at odds and were hit occasionally.

Approximately 10% of the population of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is Muslim, mainly in the eastern part of the country.

However, Kinshasa, which is traditionally located on the Congo River in the western part of the central African country, also saw large-scale celebrations of the end of Ramadan in public squares and main roads.


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