The office of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis threatened to withhold the salaries of school officials who asked students to wear masks


TSR politics: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ opposition to the requirement to wear masks may hurt the pockets of school officials who try to enforce the use of masks in schools.

The governor’s office recently stated that the State Board of Education can take action to withhold the salaries of the superintendent and school board members. They ignore DeSantis’s executive order, which actually prohibits school districts from wearing masks. CNN Report.

As we reported at the end of last month, DeSantis issued an executive order banning local school districts from requiring students to wear masks Before the fall semester. DeSantis requires the state’s health and education departments to develop rules based on the right of parents to make health care decisions for their children.

Christina Pushaw, a spokeswoman for DeSantis, posted a tweet on Monday, which read: “Ultimately-education funds are provided for students. The children did not make a decision that violated the rights of their parents. Therefore, any financial penalties for violations of the regulations are It will be directed at the official who made the decision.”

DeSantis claimed that he advocated for the rights of parents.

“I think the fairest way is to let the parents make the decision,” DeSantis said at an event at the Tampa Hospital last week.

The Florida Democrats talked about DeSantis’ position on Monday, and also referred to comments made by Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy, who opposed DeSantis’ position.

“Governor. DeSantis, if you don’t listen to worried parents, students, and children from all over Florida, will you at least listen to doctors and Republican Senator @BillCassidy? The local school board should decide on public health measures, not towers Lahasi,” it wrote on Twitter.

Dr. Peter Hotez, director of the Department of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that DeSantis’ position and similar posts by Texas Governor Gregg Abbott were “so self-deceiving”, especially considering the sharp increase in the number of children hospitalized by health officials.

Hotz said: “For the first time since the pandemic began, I saw a large number of children in the pediatric intensive care unit, and even the pediatric intensive care unit was overwhelmed.”

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