‘RHOD’s D’Andra Simmons and Tiffany Moon talk show pause – HollywoodLife


“RHOD” has been officially suspended. We conducted the first exclusive interview with Dr. Tiffany Moon and D’Andra Simmons to understand their thoughts!

Real Housewives of Dallas After it has been officially suspended Five seasons And the two stars of this season Dr. Tiffany Moon, 36 and DeAndra Simmons, The 52-year-old is now following the news. “Honestly, when I found out, my first feeling was a sigh of relief,” Dr. Moon said Hollywood life We exclusively provide Housewives podcast, Follow Pull-Lease! “I mean, in the best way, but it did cause harm to my body, spirit, and emotions. I spent a lot of time away from my family because you have to remember that I was working full-time during that time. Hospital.”

D’Andra, who has been acting since the second season, was even more surprised when he received the call. “To be honest, I am not completely shocked,” D’Andra shared. “However, it has been a very difficult year for every franchise because The COVID situation. “Everyone has to turn around and figure out what’s next. Some ladies I really like working with me, I will miss them, so we continue our friendship. We are resting, which is good, so We can take a break. If you can’t take a break-I think it’s a reset for me, so I’m glad that I have some time to do other things and think about all the great and beautiful things that have happened in the past few years. During my time with RHOD, if it continues, that’s fine, if not, God will open another door. I really believe and believe this.”

COVID-19 has not only affected “RHOD”, but also almost all franchise rights, production closures and positive tests.DeAndra, who was infected with the disease, and Tiffany, who was fighting the disease as a frontline worker, felt hurt even when they were reunited as actors Brandi Redmond, 43, and Cary Brittingham On the 51st, it was actually because Kary tested positive when he arrived from Dallas, and Brandi was sitting next to her when he set off from the south.

Later reunion, There have been rumors that the shooting of season 6 is already in progress, so when the news of the suspension came, Bravo fans were shocked. “No, we ended with a reunion. I got a nosebleed on national TV. That was my last scene on TV,” said Dr. Wen. “There are multiple accounts posted and we will come back.”

Although Show the future Still completely unknown, Dr. Moon and D’Andra quickly stated that if they return to the screen again in the near future, this is a “never say lose” answer. “If Bravo wants to go back to the show and ask me to come back, the door is always open, of course I will go back,” DeAndra shared. “Now I have done a season, if they want to bring it back in a year or two or three years, I think I will consider it based on my living environment at the time. I like some parts of it, not some of them. Part, but I will consider it,” Dr. Moon added. “I always look like I don’t know, we will see that the situation needs to be correct. Honestly, I always stand on the fence.”

Make sure you check out the full podcast and all our episodes, where we mentioned all the latest Bravo teas, etc., available at Spotify with Apple Podcast now!


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