Independent Recording Artists Like Josh Pfeiffer Are Finding Success In The Digital Music World

Life - Josh Pfeliffer

Over the past decade the music industry has been turned upside down and Independent Recording Artists Like Josh Pfeiffer Are Finding Success In The Digital Music World. With the advent of streaming services like Spotify, Napster, Apple Music, and Youtube, as well as online stores like iTunes and Amazon, it literally has become a whole new world. And the change isn’t over yet. A recent study by the Nielsen Firm, found that 2016 was the first year that music streaming surpassed music sales. According to Nielsen, audio streams were up 76.4%, while digital album and track sales were both down more than 20%.

That whole new world has definitely shaken the industry up. It has left retailers, record labels and artists, all scrambling to adjust. We have seen former retail music giants like Sam Goody, and Tower Records shutter their doors. Record labels and artists have had to make significant adjustments. New marketing and business strategies have had to be developed in order to survive.

The challenges have been many, but one of the biggest positive developments, is the opportunity that is now available to lesser known, independent, and unconventional artists like Josh Pfeiffer.

Pfeiffer, an independent music artist from Sacramento, California, has had an impressive 2018. His single “Life” reached the top 10 on the iTunes UK singer songwriter chart, and held a spot in the top 40 for the final week of February 25, 2018. The single peaked at #6 on the UK Chart.

Life - Josh Pfeliffer

And while “Life” enjoyed success on the UK Chart, Josh’s single “Brand New Shoes” reaching #63 on the iTunes Canadian Chart peaking at #15 on the more specific Canadian “Pop” Chart April 15, 2018.

Brand New Shoes - Josh

More than likely, none of that would have been possible under the old system. But in the new digital age of music streaming and sales, and social media and blogging, the Josh Pfeiffer’s of the world are reaching new fans and new charts all over the world.

The big record labels clearly still rule the music industry. But independent artists like Josh Pfeiffer have discovered a new frontier where anything is possible, and if your dreams include seeing your name next to Taylor Swifts on the iTunes charts, they just might come true.

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