Drake shows off his boxing skills in new work video – Hollywood Life


Drake looked like he was preparing for a big fight because someone saw him boxing with his coach in the gym. Watch the intense video here!

We don’t know what DrakeTraining, but he seems to be doing a fucking good job.Rapper, his new album Certified lover boy Now dominates the rankings, and I shared a video of my boxing with my coach in the gym on September 15th, which is incredible.

Incredible Shade room Shared it on their own Instagram account and fans went crazy in the comment section. “That piñata has no chance,” one fan joked, and another fan said, “You can all say what you want, but if he uses his heavy hands to combine them with these fragile Hydra Linked by one of the rappers, it is a sleeping party.”

Other commentators suggested that Drake should use his boxing skills in matches against opponents. Kanye WestObviously, Drake did not respond, but many fans seem to want this to happen.

For those who may not know, Drake and Kanye West have a complicated history. Recently, Kanye West allegedly posted his home address on Instagram to target Drake. Although Drake once described Kanye as “The most influential person“In his voice, their friendship did not last long. After completing several projects together between 2008 and 2011, Drake criticized Kanye in an interview with British DJ Tim Westwood. Drake said that he and Lil Wayne are working on a joint album, and then they talked to Kanye and Jay-Z, They are also working on their joint album, Watch the throne.

Drake and Kanye West (Shutterstock)

“I heard that some other people also released an album,” he said. “There are two other rappers going to release an album together. I don’t know where they got this idea.”

However, after that, Drake and Kanye worked together for a while, and then Drake made more attacks on Kanye in an interview. Rolling Stone.

Since then, they have criticized each other on songs, social media, etc. They are also here and there to make up for and apologize to each other, but it sounds like they won’t stop their discord again/again soon. So maybe they might have a friendly match.


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