Angelina Jolie (Angelina Jolie) testified on Larry Nassar (Larry Nassar) investigation at the Senate hearing, said that the gymnasts McKayla Maroney (McKayla Maroney) and Ali. Support from Aly Raisman.
Angelina Jolie46 years old, “honoured” to meet with American gymnasts McKayla Maroni, Ali Lesman, with Maggie Nichols Before they talked about the FBI processing Larry Nassar Investigate in the Senate hearing.this Smiths The actress shared photos of herself with some current and former US team stars on Instagram on September 16th, including Kelly Lorinz, with Jessica Howard.
“I am honored to meet with some brave American gymnasts who appeared on the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday,” she wrote in a social media post. “I am in awe of their courage and commitment to prevent future failures in investigating abuses. As Aly Raisman said in her testimony,’More than 100 victims could have been spared from abuse. All we need is an adult to do the right thing. Express support and respect to them and all those who are reviewing this trauma in order to carry out systemic reforms. “
The actress pointed out that when she was in Washington, DC, she was also trying to meet with government officials. Angelina added: “I was on Capitol Hill this week and had contact with the Senator on the reauthorization of the Violence against Women Act and FBI reforms, including better protection of abused children, unbiased collection of forensic evidence, trauma Nursing and judicial training.” She ended her post with the hashtag “#StopViolenceAgainstWomen”.
“It’s an honor to meet you! Thank you very much,” Maggie Nichols commented on the photo, while another follower wrote, “Angelina thank you for spreading the truth and supporting these girls.” Famous The gymnasts made their position at the hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s investigation into Larry Nassar’s allegations of abuse by the Justice Department and the FBI. The former doctor was sentenced to up to 175 years in prison after abusing more than 150 women and girls.
McKayla defendant, “The United States Gymnastics Association cooperated with the FBI and the Olympic Committee” “to jointly cover up Larry Nassar as a predator.” She testified that after telling the FBI about her abuse story in 2015, the agency not only failed to report her abuse, but “when they finally recorded my report, 17 months later, they did what I said. A totally wrong statement was made.” Simone Byers Heartbreaking testimony was also provided.
“I sit in front of you today and raise my voice so that no little girl has to endure me. The athletes on this table and the countless people who suffer needlessly under the guise of Naxal, we continue to endure today. These,” Simone said. , Period Her tearful testimony“Nassar belongs to him, but those who support him should be held accountable. If not, I believe this will continue to happen to others-the entire Olympic movement.”
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