After Samaria Rice called on him to raise funds in the name of Tamir Rice, Shaun King’s trend on Twitter


Earlier Wednesday, after Samaria Rice allowed him to use it on Twitter, Shaun King trended on Twitter. Lengthy Instagram postsSamaria wrote two paragraphs accusing famous activists of robbing her “in order to [her] Son” by To raise funds Without her permission, in the name of Tamir Rice. This article was published on Tuesday night after Sean released an episode of a conversation about them for his podcast “The Crash with Sean King.”

“Why do you think it is so important to tell people that we had a conversation,” Samaria wrote. “Well, we talked about it and I heard that you raised extra money. Everything I said was very harmful and made me feel uncomfortable.”

Samaria also revealed that she never allowed Shaun to raise funds. She claimed that the reason he didn’t ask for permission or told her to raise funds was because he didn’t want to “interrupt” her.

“Together with America, you robbed me for the death of my son,” Samaria wrote.

She continues to accuse Sean of being a “white man who plays black” and cannot be “trusted”. On the other hand, Sean described their chat in a completely different way, calling it “urgently needed.”

“I have learnt a lot,” The podcast description says“Listened a lot. Share my heart. And promised that we will continue to strive for justice and accountability for Tamir.”

As of Wednesday, the episode cannot be played on Sean’s website The North Star, nor on other streaming platforms such as Apple Podcasts.

As mentioned earlier, the Ministry of Justice Charge declined Two Cleveland police officers named Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback were involved in Tamir’s death. The department stated that the quality of the shooting video was too poor to determine what happened to Tamir.

After people learned that Tamir was shot and killed by Timothy and Frank when Timothy and Frank were playing with projectile guns outside in 2014, Tamir’s story went viral on the Internet.

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